
This is just a site (under construction) where I present how Conway's game of life would function when you start with any of the polyominoes. Polyominoes are the different shapes you get by combining squares (the ones made from 4 squares are familiar in the game Tetris), and Conway's game of life is a "game" invented by the mathematician John Conway where you start with a grid, and fill in some cells, and then the rest of it does itself with only five simple rules. Despite its simplicity, Conway's game of life has very fascinating behavior. In this site I'll examine how the polyominoes behave in the game of life.

You may also want to check out my much larger site on large numbers.


Here are the pages to this site. Those are intended to be read in order.

Monominoes: Here I briefly discuss the rather uninteresting behavior with the monomino and Conway's game of life.

Dominoes: Although the dominoes are made of two instead of one squares, their behavior with Conway's game of life still isn't very interesting.

Trominoes: There are two polyominoes made from three squares, known as the trominoes. Here we examine behavior that varies a lot more than previously, but still is not too surprising.

Tetrominoes: Here are the five (seven if you count reflections as distinct) tetrominoes that are familiar in Tetris, and their behavior which is somewhat more interesting.

Pentominoes: Things get REALLY cool with the twelve different pentominoes - one of them has very surprising behavior.

Hexominoes: The 35 different hexominoes have very diverse behaviors in the game of life.

Heptominoes and beyond: A look at the next few types of  polyominoes and beyond - 108 heptominoes, 369 octominoes, the ennominoes, decominoes, and so on.


12/13/14: Pentominoes page is finally here! It took so long because of me working more on my large number site - don't expect updates to this site as much as my other one.

11/29/14: Added trominoes and tetrominoes pages.

11/28/14: Site launched - first two pages released.

Additional Info

You may also want to check out my much larger site on large numbers - that has a lot more info on who I am, and a lot more info in general.

If you have questions about this site, email me: cookiefonster99 at gmail dot com