Abstracts of Blumenthal Lectures 2019

Lecture I (5/27)

Analytic Minimal Model Program

Abstract: The analytic Minimal Model Program was introduced a decade ago

and provided a method to classifying projective manifolds birationally

through Ricci flow. If successful , the method can be also used to classify

Kahler manifolds which are more general than projective manifolds. In this

expository talk, I will give an overview of the Analytic Minimal Model

Program and discuss some fundamental results. I will also discuss some open


Lecture II (5/28):

Recent progress on Kahler-Ricci flow

Abstract: In this talk, I will first recall some basic results on

Kahler-Ricci flow. Then I will discuss some recent progress on long-time

behavior of the flow. The progress is based on a generalization of

Perelman’s famous non-collapsing result.