Rich Johnson

May 2016

Rich Johnson is one of the most well-known people at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium and he's also the longest standing Metro Park's employee. At 48 years as a Zookeeper, he is still one of the hardest working employees, one of the friendliest faces, and one of the most unique people on grounds. Rich once said to me “I don't need a break, I'll rest when I'm dead,” and this rings true as he lives every day as if it's his first day at PDZA.

Rich was born in Souix City, Iowa. He attributes his love for animals to his early experiences with domestic rabbits that belonged to a neighbor. After his family moved to Tacoma as an early teen, he worked for Floyd Owens (a veteran park district employee and superintendent) by catching rabbits that were living around his flower beds. This early life experience is what made him love Point Defiance Park and the surrounding areas and want to work at the zoo.

Rich began submitting applications to PDZA every time there was an open position. On May 1, 1968, he started his first temp job in the aviary department. After a short year and two months on July 1st 1969, Rich was offered a full-time job. At this point in PDZA's history, there were 4 full-time aquarists and 4 full-time zoo employees. The zoo entry was free, and it was $.10 to visit the aquarium. Over the years, Rich has made a name for himself and has worked with many different animals at the zoo, from the aviary where he started, to World of Adaptations, to the Family Farm, to elephants for 16 years, and on to Kids' Zone where he currently works. Rich's hobbies outside of work are a collection of a myriad of arts and crafts. He does sandblasting, welding, paper quilling and egg art. He currently has his egg art all over the world in 140 countries and seven continents. Rich feels that a part of him will be all over the world in this way. Rich would refer to himself as a collector of many things. He has a large (well-organized) collection of things he has gotten over the years, from furniture, to tools, and to kick-knacks. He also seeks out broken things to part them out to make them useful in another form. Many of us have reaped the benefits of this as he is always willing to find things for others.

Some of Rich's favorite past and present animals at the zoo include ET the walrus (he recalls swimming with ET as a juvenile), Cindy the elephant, and a goose named Mrs. Godfrey that lived at the farm. His current favorite is Graham the wolf, and he feels that they have a special connection.

When asked what he would like to learn more about, he says that he would like to learn more crafts from masters of all different kinds of arts. If he could have any super power, he would like gills and wings so that he could dive underwater and fly anywhere he wanted to. When asked where he would like to travel, he says that he would like to see Europe. Rich says that he believes that we all share the same dreams at PDZA and love to share what we know about animals to everyone who visits the zoo. He would like everyone to know that he is a nice person and not as mean and nasty as everyone thinks he is.We can always count on Rich to bring his energetic, friendly, and helpful personality forward each day. Unique is a word that could be perfectly used to describe him, and we should all adopt some of his qualities to become better workers and people.

AAZK’s Zoo Stars!

Randomly chosen participants will receive a $5 gift card of their choice.

Zoo Stars can be any permanent staff, seasonal/temporary staff, volunteer, or intern from any department!