Cindy Roberts

April 2018

This month’s Zoo Star is Cindy Roberts! Cindy has worked at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, in one way or another, since 1994. Her path may have been circuitous at times, but since her first visit to Point Defiance she has pursued her career at the zoo with a single-minded determination. Over the last 17 years she has shown that there are few people who can match the enthusiasm and intensity she brings to work every day.

Cindy first visited Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in 1991. She was 20 years old, had just moved to the area from Fort Collins, CO, and was looking for inspiration. During that first visit to the zoo she saw one of the Rocky Shores keepers working with the beluga whales, and from that moment on Cindy knew she wanted to be a zookeeper. In 1992 she enrolled in Highline Community College, later transferring to the University of Washington. She was able to start volunteering in Rocky Shores in 1994, and was hired as a temp in 1997. As a temp, she started out in the old barnyard and later moved to the aquarium. During this time Cindy was still putting herself through school, and for most of her college career she was working full–time as an HR Specialist for Alaska Airlines—on top of her work at the zoo!

She graduated with a BA in Psychology in 2001, just a few weeks shy of her 30th birthday, and right before being hired as a full time staff member in the Aquarium. While working in the Aquarium she realized her dream of diving with sharks – she and her husband, Ed, even got married in front of the Outer Reef Exhibit in the South Pacific Aquarium! And while she left the Aquarium to become a staff biologist in Rocky Shores in 2009, she still has a great appreciation for the sharks and other fish she worked with there.

As a staff biologist in Rocky Shores, Cindy currently works with a wide range of marine mammals and birds, particularly the puffins, murres, and the zoo’s two polar bears Boris and Blizzard. Cindy says she doesn’t have any one favorite animal. Rather, her favorite animal is whatever one “needs her most.” That being said, she has a special place in her heart for polar bears, and has dedicated much of her time and energy to promoting polar bear and arctic conservation.

Since starting at Point Defiance as a volunteer, one of Cindy’s biggest dreams was to go to the arctic. In October of 2015 she was able to realize that goal. Cindy was selected to go to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada with Polar Bears International with three facilitators and 12 other polar bear keepers to learn more about wild polar bears, the arctic ecosystem, polar bear management in Churchill, and, most importantly, about global climate change – with a special emphasis on talking about climate change in a way that encourages empathy and understanding. Churchill is located on Hudson Bay, in the far north of Manitoba and is considered the polar bear capital of the world. Cindy said it was, “absolutely mind-blowing,” to see wild polar bears and beluga whales. They also participated in Tundra Connection live feeds, worked on blogs and presentations, and developed an action plans to increase public engagement after the trip. Once home Cindy’s action plan eventually developed into Party for Polar Bears.

The Party for Polar Bears fundraiser is now in its third year, and is affiliated with Point Defiance AAZK’s Drinking for Conservation fundraising events and supported by The Zoo Society. Every year it takes place on or around International Polar Bear Day and raises money for Polar Bears International. This year the event was held at the Swiss in Tacoma, and between the funds raised by the signature polar bear cocktail, Party for Polar Bears t-shirts and water bottles, the fantastic raffle, and donations Cindy was able to raise $3,200 for polar bear conservation, for a grand total of $8,775 since Party for Polar Bears’ inception in 2016! Cindy will once again be heading to the arctic with Polar Bears International as a Field Ambassador in October of 2019 and 2020. She is looking forward to learning more about polar bears and the arctic, as well as sharing her passion for polar bear conservation with ecotourists.

Though the zoo and polar bear conservation are a huge part of Cindy’s life, they are not her only passion. Her and her husband, Ed, have parakeets, two rescue Guinea pigs, and their dog, Barrett. She also enjoys travel and paddle boarding – one of her big goals is to paddle board in Venice! Cindy is also passionate about helping people, she and Ed put together care-packages for people in need which are passed out by Ed in his work as Deputy Sheriff in Pierce County. She says she’s already met most of the goals she’s set for herself in life – finishing school before 30, becoming a zoo keeper, going to the arctic – so she’s only got the small stuff left, like saving polar bears and ending world hunger.

Cindy Roberts is a remarkably passionate, driven person both in her professional and personal life. One has only to look at the success she’s found in achieving her goals to know what a special addition she is to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium Family, and we are proud to call her this month’s Zoo Star! In lieu of a gift card, Point Defiance AAZK will be making a small donation to Polar Bears International in Cindy’s name.

AAZK’s Zoo Stars!

Randomly chosen participants will receive a $5 gift card of their choice.

Zoo Stars can be any career staff, seasonal/temporary staff, volunteer, or intern from any department!