How to find photos

The "Photos" view 

In the Google Photos tab photos are sorted by "Date taken, descending".

In the web app on a computer you can use the Page Up and Page Down arrows or drag the scroll bar on the right side of the screen for fast scrolling, and use the up/down arrows or scroll wheel for finer tuning to the correct date.

In the Google Photos app on mobile: when you start scrolling by swiping, a circle with two arrows appears in the right hand upper corner.  Tapping on it displays a timeline for fast scrolling to the approximate date (year-month). Swipe up/down for fine tuning.

The "Albums" view

In the web app on computers there is an "Albums" tab in the main menu, and the 5 albums with most recent activity are shown. It also brings you to "All albums"
In the Google Photos app on mobile devices Albums are found under "Library".

Albums are sorted by default by date of the most recent photo in the album (newest first). 
Since 2020 you can sort by:

Most recent photo
Album title
Last modified

This may be the easiest way to find recent or recently modified albums.

The "Search bar"

New (May 2023) : "More powerfull search" announced.  See this link.

New (May 2024): 

In the web app the search bar is shown at the top of the screen (not in albums).  Clicking in the search bar also  gives access to Favourites and People albums.

In the Photos app on mobiles you have to tap on Search at the bottom of the page.  You get more categories like Recently added, Creations etc. In the web app these are moved to  "Explore". 

Google Photos indexes a lot of different things in your pictures (see below). It is however NOT possible to search for Tags like for example added in Picasa, or to search with the OR operator. 

When you type the first characters of any word in the search bar, Google may suggest search terms, Albums, People or Places.  When needed type a second or more words to get more specific results. 

Newly added items may not be found immediately: Google needs some time to index. 

File names 

Some special characters like - . are ignored or replaced by a space in the index.  Examples:

Descriptions (Captions)

Captions added to photos before uploading, and Descriptions added in Google Photos will be searched after some time needed for indexing.

Text in Photos

Text in photos may be recognized by OCR and indexed, thus searchable.


Type the first characters of any word of an album title.  Google will suggest album titles, preceded by an Album icon.  When needed type a second or more words. Modified or new titles may not be found immediately.  

In the web app  (also on mobile) you can try to find a photo. The info field of the photo will show all albums where the photo is added. Unfortunately this info is not available in the Google Photos app on mobile devices. 

Things and Places 

Google tries to identify things and places by AI, and may suggest search terms when you start typing. If a place is suggested, it will have a map place marker icon.  Surprisingly clicking on the suggested term may give a different result from typing the same term and hitting Enter. 



Categories like Favo(u)rites, Recently added, Animations, Videos, etc 

as found under "Explore" in the web app or "Search" on mobile can also be used as search term and combined with other search terms.  


It is recommended to use names (may be abbreviated as in Photos) for the months to avoid confusion:
2011-01-07 or 01-07-2011 or 07-01-2011 find photos for July 1 and Jan 7 2011.


Photos taken by a specific device 

Using the minus key

For example, a search for: Dave, John, -jane, -samantha will result in finding photos found for Dave and John but only if jane and samantha are not indexed (not in the photo or album title or description etc). That makes it very unreliable: "Dave" will find all photos in an album with title "Dave's birthday party", and a person may be excluded because he/she was on Jane's birthday party. 

Combining search terms

On April 2 2022 a user signaled that the combination of a date/month/year with another search term finds all photos for that date/month/year.  The issue may be solved now.

Explore (found under "Search" on mobile)

Search tips from the Google Photos Help Center

Find people, things, & places in your photos

Where are my photos