PHS Physician Category Challenge Coin

How to order the coin

Option A (Paypal) The cost is $10 per coin and $5 for shipping.

Other ordering options:

Option B (Venmo): Another option is to send money via Venmo ($10 per coin plus $5 shipping) to

Option C (US Mail): You may send payment by mail to Kenneth Quinto, 508 Tulip Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912. Please make check for $10 per coin plus $5 per order to 'Commissioned Officers Foundation.'

If you have any questions, please send an email to

With the exception of very large orders, the cost is $10 per coin and $5 shipping. Funds from coin purchases go to the Commissioned Officers Association of the US Public Health Service.


Kenneth Quinto M.D., M.P.H.