

D U M B s Deep Underground Military Bases




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Phil Schneider's Last Speech ~

Two Months Before His Assassination ~

Aliens & Underground Bases ~



Underground Bases, UFO's and Aliens: The Late Phil Schneider, a retired US government geologist, talks about his days building deep underground bases for the government - over 131 in the USA, one mile or more down, the involvement with alien technology, samples of elements up to atomic #140 are shown. The advanced stealth technology involves the use of alien metals. This is the last known video made of Phil Schneider while he was still alive. It was made in November 1995. He was found dead less than two months later. He talks about his days building underground bases for the US government and grey aliens. Phil Schneider is one of the many UFO researchers that have died over the last few years under mysterious circumstances. Phil died on January 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck, his death being dismissed by the authorities as suicide. Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life. He had stated publicly he was a marked man and did not expect to live long. "If I ever 'commit suicide'," Schneider told a close friend, "I'll have been murdered."










https://www.youtube.com/user/allaboutaliens/videos ,



http://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2012/06/14/the-strange-case-of-phil-schneider ,




















Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment, a rubber catheter hose wrapped three times around his neck and half-knotted in front. According to sources, it appeared that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. Seven months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the forces he had discovered at Dulce. This brave man's final acts should not go unnoticed.......................... A joint alien/U.S. military underground base exists, perhaps devoted to genetics. The theories regarding Dulce sometimes state that alien technology was traded for permission to engage in human and animal mutilations. A battle was said to have taken place there between aliens and humans, though the time of this alleged encounter varies from the 1970s to the 1980s. Some sources allege that horrific genetic experiments are conducted in lower levels of the facility (usually level 6 or 7, depending on the source); these levels are sometimes referred to as "Nightmare Hall." According to the legend, Project Aquarius (1966) was a plan for investigation of UFOs, carried out and funded by the CIA. Bishop (Bishop, 2005) notes that Bennewitz is the earliest source for the Project Aquarius tale. This project was slated to begin after December 1969 when Project Grudge and Project Blue Book were closed. In 1969, the base was built northwest of Dulce in joint agreement between CIA and aliens from space. The base is allegedly located on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. The entrance is on Mount Archuleta (or Archuleta Mesa). The base gets water and electricity from the Navajo River, and dumps waste water back into the same river. The U.S. government occupies the upper levels of the underground base, while the aliens control the lower levels. Vibrations from the ground near the town of Dulce have allegedly caused speculations of an underground facility; however, these are more likely minor earthquakes, which are known to occur in the area. Military helicopters have also been said to be "unusually milling" around the deserted area, although these claims are, at present, unproven. There is a claim that the area was partially scanned with ground-penetrating radar, producing 'interesting' results, but these results are not currently available. Some less substantial evidence includes supposed 'leaked documents', videos and witness reports. Allegedly, a collection of security camera tapes and technical documents were stolen from the base by a disgruntled security officer. These were stored in an unknown location along with the officer's 'flash', a weapon, resembling a flashlight, which is claimed to emit some form of directed radiation. The actual documents which were stolen have not been revealed to the public, however a collection of drawings based on the documents and surveillance footage is available. Sometime in the 1990s a Japanese documentary producer had a 1-minute animation produced, based on the alleged contents of the stolen information. This animation is available on the internet and was never claimed by its creators to be actual footage. There are also a small number of black-and-white photographs available, which are signed "TAL". It has been suggested that these photographs are actually from the Cheyenne Mountain facility. Many people have supposedly witnessed UFOs in the area. Many details of the lore surrounding the Dulce base—vast underground bases with many subterranean levels, battles with alien or underground creatures, etc.—resemble those of the alleged Montauk Project.






Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment, a rubber catheter hose wrapped three times around his neck and half-knotted in front. According to sources, it appeared that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. Seven months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the forces he had discovered at Dulce. This brave man's final acts should not go unnoticed.......................... A joint alien/U.S. military underground base exists, perhaps devoted to genetics. The theories regarding Dulce sometimes state that alien technology was traded for permission to engage in human and animal mutilations. A battle was said to have taken place there between aliens and humans, though the time of this alleged encounter varies from the 1970s to the 1980s. Some sources allege that horrific genetic experiments are conducted in lower levels of the facility (usually level 6 or 7, depending on the source); these levels are sometimes referred to as "Nightmare Hall." According to the legend, Project Aquarius (1966) was a plan for investigation of UFOs, carried out and funded by the CIA. Bishop (Bishop, 2005) notes that Bennewitz is the earliest source for the Project Aquarius tale. This project was slated to begin after December 1969 when Project Grudge and Project Blue Book were closed. In 1969, the base was built northwest of Dulce in joint agreement between CIA and aliens from space. The base is allegedly located on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. The entrance is on Mount Archuleta (or Archuleta Mesa). The base gets water and electricity from the Navajo River, and dumps waste water back into the same river. The U.S. government occupies the upper levels of the underground base, while the aliens control the lower levels. Vibrations from the ground near the town of Dulce have allegedly caused speculations of an underground facility; however, these are more likely minor earthquakes, which are known to occur in the area. Military helicopters have also been said to be "unusually milling" around the deserted area, although these claims are, at present, unproven. There is a claim that the area was partially scanned with ground-penetrating radar, producing 'interesting' results, but these results are not currently available. Some less substantial evidence includes supposed 'leaked documents', videos and witness reports. Allegedly, a collection of security camera tapes and technical documents were stolen from the base by a disgruntled security officer. These were stored in an unknown location along with the officer's 'flash', a weapon, resembling a flashlight, which is claimed to emit some form of directed radiation. The actual documents which were stolen have not been revealed to the public, however a collection of drawings based on the documents and surveillance footage is available. Sometime in the 1990s a Japanese documentary producer had a 1-minute animation produced, based on the alleged contents of the stolen information. This animation is available on the internet and was never claimed by its creators to be actual footage. There are also a small number of black-and-white photographs available, which are signed "TAL". It has been suggested that these photographs are actually from the Cheyenne Mountain facility. Many people have supposedly witnessed UFOs in the area. Many details of the lore surrounding the Dulce base—vast underground bases with many subterranean levels, battles with alien or underground creatures, etc.—resemble those of the alleged Montauk Project.


D U M B s Deep Underground Military Bases

The Truthrevealed


SELECTED TOP SECRET UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS ...THAT THREATEN OUR LIBERTY 140 secret underground facilities have been built, many are underground small-cities. A number of these bases have been described to me by witnesses including NORAD, Dulce, Coos Bay, and Dreamland. What I am describing is a series of large underground facilities which are connected with tunnels. The tunnels carry extremely fast trains. Train terminals are up to 1 million sq. ft. in area, with multiple levels. Underground facilities contain computer centers, genetic experimentation, mind-control research, housing for several nationalities of humans and several varieties of aliens. More information can be found here.http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp... The corporations which assist the NWO are able to quietly interlink their facilities via the tunnel system too, as well as disperse some of their workers into the world above ground. There are approx. 50 ways tunnels and underground facilities are dug, which include high pressure continuous water let, low pressure percussive water jet, high freq. electrical drill, turbine drills, pellet drills, spark drills, explosives, hydraulic rock hammers, lasers, electron beam guns, forced flames, etc. These various tunnelling methods can be broken down in: Mechanical (such as a water canon) Thermal (such as a high velocity flame, laser, atomic fusion, etc) Chemical (such as a dissolver) The beautiful thing about nuclear subterrenes (rhymes with submarine) is that they don’t leave any debris to dispose of. These nuclear subterrenes are building tunnels 40’ in diameter, and as these machines work the rock is melted into a hard, glassy tunnel lining. Air-intake shafts bring fresh air to the tunnels and underground facilities. Underground facilities have fuel storage units, air-conditioning, water reservoirs, dining, medical, sleeping and storage units. Many of the underground sites are close to railroads and have entrances that trucks can drive into. Some of the entrances for trucks are protected by holograms that look like the side of a mountain, but allow vehicles if one just drives through them. The other style of hidden entrances are buildings where trucks drive in and are lowered via access shafts down into the underground areas.

Security for some (such as Groom Lake) of the facilities is maintained by Wackenhut. Penetration tests on facilities are carried out by a special unit called OP-06-D which are HQed at Off utt AFB, NE. Format is as follows: site name site location (warning: longitudes & latitudes were quick off of the head estimates) group/groups in control size activity


Truck Driving into Underground Caves in Springfield, Missouri

| D.U.M.B. | DUMB |

Junior Honduras


Underground Tunnels, Bases, and Cities

Robert Sepehr

Secret subterranean tunnel networks connect deep underground bases

and cities with different breakaway civilizations. What are the Occult Secrets of Vril? https://www.createspace.com/5508323 The Montauk Project was an outgrowth of the Philadelphia Experiment, led by Nikola Tesla, which resulted in time travel technology. MK-Ultra, sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program, was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


Aliens in Dulce, New Mexico ?

Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks


Why do so many people think there's an underground base in Dulce,


Phil Schneider did not die in 1966. He died in 1996 (Jan. 17th). SUBSCRIBE | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sub WEBSITE | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-home AUDIO PODCAST | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-audio-itunes TWITTER | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-twitter FACEBOOK | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-fb EMAIL | Conspiracy@HowStuffWorks.com STORE | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spr... Here are the facts. Join Ben and Matt to learn the

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government secrets, and the future of civilization. Here's where it gets crazy. We appreciate your time and aim to expand your mind. Thank you for joining us. HowStuffWorks.com | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-hsw-home Stuff You Should Know | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sysk-home BrainStuff | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-brainstuff-home Stuff to Blow Your Mind | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-stbym-home Stuff You Missed in History Class | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-symhc-home Stuff Mom Never Told You | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-smnty-home- Aliens in Dulce, New Mexico? http://www.youtube.com/user/Conspirac...


What will SpaceX do when they get to Mars ?

Primal Space


화성로버 인사이트 캠에 찍힌 화성 외계인



How does the spacecraft navigate in space ?



HANNIBAL (english-Japanese)


【R2TW】ハンニバル英雄譚 #01【字幕プレイ】

Weird Protocol


비밀기지에서 있었던 외계인과의 전투! 결과는 너무 충격적이였다

신비한 이야기


미국 역대 대통령들이 무심코 뱉은 UFO, 외계인 관련 쇼킹 발언들



★[그래나도]★ 킬링타임 짤잼 채널 . ~2016. 8. 5. 미스터리, 짤잼 위주로... 킬링타임 소재를 모두 취급~ 관심과 구독은 큰 힘이 됩니다. ★[공지사항]★ 작년에 세월호 추모 취지로, 뱁믹스 영상편집 프로그램 무료 로고에 있던 노란 리본을 일부 영상에 삽입했었는데, 일베 리본이라는 지적이 나와서, 따로 몇 번 해명글을 올린 적이 있는데, 가끔 한 번씩 문의가 들어와 공지글에 올립니다. 뱁믹스 회사에서도 잘못 알고 무료 로고에 넣었고, 저도 모르고 사용했습니다. 착오 없으시기 바랍니다. ★[댓글정책]★ 타인 비방, 모욕, 도배성, 채널 깽판 댓글은 즉시 삭제 / 블렉 처리 됩니다


외계인(UFO) 일급기밀 역대 유출 사건 정리 [Area51,KGB,NASA 유출,외계인 인터뷰 포함]



*외계인 일급기밀 유출 미스테리 5 5 NASA 해킹 유출 4 러시아 마피아 KGB 유출 3 KGB 외계인 영상 공개 2 Area51 인터뷰 1 외계인 인터뷰 Disclaimer copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes suchrein belong to their respective copyright holders,

I do not claim ownership over any as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,scholarship, and research.

Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.


51구역 직원 충격 폭로.. 테레파시 그레이 외계인 'J-ROD' 와 함께 근무했다



51구역 비밀 프로젝트 'J-ROD' 를 폭로한 51구역 엔지니어. 추락한 테레파시 그레이 외계인의 UFO를 역설계. ★[그래나도]★ 미스터리 킬링타임 채널 . ~2016. 8. 5. 미스터리, 짤잼 위주... 킬링타임 소재를 취급합니다. 관심과 구독은 큰 힘이 됩니다. 건전한 댓글 문화를 지켜 주시기 바랍니다 타인 비방, 모욕 댓글은 즉시 삭제됩니다


菲尔施耐德 Phil Schneider-美国机密工程与道西战争[含佐证]



有关上世纪美国与某类外星人秘密签署协议绑架地表人类做实验的说法流传已久,却似乎一直仅限于文字信息的传递,迄今为止,仅发现一例挺身而出,自称美国机密工程参与者的知情人-菲尔施耐德(Phil Schneider),出现在公众面前演讲,谈及此事,并讲述了与这类外星人亲身经历的一次冲突.......(演讲内容已做过少量适当的删减) 本视频特加入慧律法师讲经说法中提及外星人的片段其中涉及对美国打地下道及被外星人用死光枪打死66个人的事件揭露。比菲尔施耐德提前至少2年发表...... 23:33 视为“佐证内容”. 下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5QWFDN



Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aleins



UFO调查者-里查德 多兰(Richard M. Dolan)对一名声称美国中央情报局前雇员的匿名老人进行了一段访谈,内容显然经过了一定筛选与剪辑,却仍然能从中得到有关艾森豪威尔总统当政时期的51区,及相关外星人事件的处理信息,算是美国情报机关元老的一次临终泄密。 下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cdhn5c









MORE - SEE : a-z



The Strange Case of Phil Schneider

June 14, 2012


Phil Schneider (L) attempted to expose some aspects of Dulce activities and was suicided

Phil Schneider and Son

Forgotten “Accidented” UFO WhistleBlower Touches Too Close

I don’t have the time needed or deserved so I will publish a series of youtube lectures, many are available by Phil Schneider. Without violating confidences, I am “briefed in” on several UFO issues, some officially, some through high value relationships, none that allow me to mention anything but the anecdotal.

What I hear from sources considered authoritative would be to the average person either outlandish or worse. What I have officially seen and accessed is impossible but has it’s limits. Much of what Schneider deals with is beyond any scope I have ever approached but too much of it is not. It makes me uncomfortable, beyond that by far and more than unwilling to take to the lecture circuit.

It would be suicide.

I am, frankly, not that important a person, or at least I hope I am not. I surely don’t want to be, in fact, if anything, it may be a great fear. Reasons are all subjective and real reasons are only rationalizations. Why do people tell us things we never wanted to know, showed us things that will haunt us for life?

This is where the issue of Phil Schneider comes in. He is a UFO whistleblower who spent his short life saying what was, when he said it, seemed outlandish. We are now putting so many of his 30 year old technologies into use, so many are now public or at least to the advanced defense community that more and more of us accept all of it.

[youtube Xs4emKd_fG4]

I knew nothing about him, see and read the same things most others have but have read redacted version of ultra-secret UFO information that sounds more like X Files than reality. In fact, I remember every word, those who know me find this only moderately curious. You don’t want to know the truth, you want to die ignorant. Tales of the holocaust, and I have some reservations of the reality of more than a bit of this, are far less than the most minimal truth.

I can only say this based on what I have seen, assuming it might be true and knowing I only hope what I have read happens after I die.

[youtube Xw3bla4y7tA]

Were I to have seen the Schneider tapes years ago, I would have thought him highly imaginative and would have thought he believed what he said but might be delusional.

I am at a point where I have had hard confirmations of 70% of what Schneider reports and feel that time may be moving more quickly than I suspected or that I never planned on being over 60 years old, I wasn’t thinking those decades would fly by like this while I kept my head in the sand, refused assignments, placed my personal life, my children above things I can’t even discuss anyway.

I missed being a cog in a giant delusion or part of a vast brutal experiment that eventually will destroy much of mankind.

[youtube KE3RsHXdYIA]

There are those who won’t want to read this and want me to stop here. I will stop.

What we can do is reopen the door to the life of Phil Schneider, on my minor recommendation take him more seriously than otherwise and consider as with the work of Richard Dolan and Pete Levander, that there are things, perhaps our entire real history, that have been kept from us.

You see, I can’t do what Pete does. I know I am here either by accident or an aspect of both usefulness and that I have good friends who are utterly merciless psychopaths.

[youtube CinaxTJMqq0]

That last part was a joke, sort of, a very private one.

The rest of the text is here to fill out the page, no more. Back in October 1973, the first Saturday, I was on Wurtsmith SAC base in Michigan at dusk. Overhead, through the clouds, descended what dould have been a comet, green at the front, orange at the back with a long tail, bright enough to light the sky for the entire horizon, green, then orange.

I am sure of the date.

[youtube xm75Ie5xNeo]

The next day, the sighting was reported on national news, a UFO seen across the entire US, at about 8000 feet, moving at over Mach 1.5, a UFO that descended over one of America’s vital nuclear bases and into Lake Huron or it disappeared, you choose.

It was on TV, reported by hundreds of base personnel, seen by thousands across the US, state after state, it crossed the entire country.

It was said, the next day, that this was a weather balloon. I laughed. I wanted one, get me a balloon that flies a thousand miles an hour on fire for over 2000 miles, a kid could play with that for a lifetime.

Better yet, something thousands of people forget a day later and never remember again, where film taken by dozens of TV stations dissolves, heck, it is almost enough to make you believe in mind control or “men in black.”

[youtube p6PmJCddBOg]

Then the day after it never happened. Then, decades later, the UFO magazines reported that it was a landing but it was October 1975. The thousand who saw it for some reason remember nothing. The news reports, the newspaper articles all disappeared.

[youtube gft-k3GFsxY]

On September 11, 2001, the New Jersey Highway Patrol arrested two terrorists who blew up a truck on the George Washington Bridge. It was on TV. Today, it never happened, Dan Rather swears he never reported it, nobody saw it, the police don’t exist, the dispatcher who you will hear is no longer on earth.

[youtube cNGPFVOYmhg]

A day later their arrest records were gone, the forensic evidence was gone, the terrorists arrested on 9/11, the only ones for sure, were gone but we have proof, incontrovertible proof that at least one truck with explosives was used on 9/11 and the terrorists were arrested, proof from police and news.

We have other evidence from NYPD saying they found an identical truck trying to destroy the Lincoln Tunnel.

Scientists will tell you that special explosives, much like the kinds of things Phil Schneider describes, were used on 9/11.

Is it true? If the video above exists and I have seen what I have seen, things you have no reason to believe, you can be like me and hope to die before your children or grandchildren are collected as cattle or killed by a genetically engineered pandemic.

Phil is right.

We deserve to die fighting but we have rather chosen to be enslaved by cowards.

Maybe this is all imagination, a bad dream. Long ago, we proved cold fusion worked but then it was “debunked.” It still worked but the oil companies bought it out of existence. 59 years ago, Boeing built its first anti-gravity craft, a huge green monstrosity with a crew of 5. It flies like a giant air hockey puck, paint peeling off, missing rivets. I have played with it a bit with witnesses, verified all needed to prove this primitive anti-gravity monstrosity was build while I was a small child.

Two months ago, we found a modern UFO capable of advanced flight over North Korea. I actually published the findings of the intelligence agency that did the forensic analysis. It is capable of interplanetary sublight travel.

This is the forensic proof.

This is real proof from a real intelligence agency, highly classified, illegal as hell.

Similarly, many things Americans believe is real, planes flying into buildings and such, when subjected to scientfic analysis that is easily affordable are shown to lack these characteristics:

    • Temperature

    • Mass

    • Speed

    • Direction

    • Metal

So, you watch the news, see a film of a news event and the things you see aren’t even ghosts. There are only a dozen or so labs in the world capable of this work but when it comes down to events of massive international importance, the idea of America going to war over minor video trickery should be disturbing.

So should finding we have spacecraft capable of the unimaginable and I have the audacity to subject you to hard scientific proof which is so classified nobody will even deny it doesn’t exist.

But this is Phil Schneider’s day, the day we remember him.


http://www.wired.com/2013/07/elon-musk-hyperloop , ,



Evacuated Tube Transport ™

Daryl Oster



Space Travel on Earth ™ http://www.et3.com Evacuated Tube Transport ™ is faster than jets yet can accomplish 50 times more transportation per kWh than electric cars or trains at 1/10th the cost. An open consortium of licensees (et3.com Inc.) collectively owns this IP. Our mission is Space Travel on Earth ™ where car sized capsules accelerated by electric power coast on maglev in an automated tube network without air friction. Existing skills, capacities, and materials are sufficient for implementation. Please join us at www.et3.com and start building a better future for us all! 3D Graphics by GDEffects gdeffects@gmail.com


Dulce Base, THE TRUTH YOU SEEK ! - - - HERE - - -

Catia Veiga






D.U.M.B. - Deep Underground Military Bases




















Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 4



Philip Schneider was an ex-government structural engineer who was involved in building deep underground military bases for the United States government. He was one of only three people to survive an incident that occurred in 1979 between Grey aliens and U.S. military forces at the Dulce underground base . For the last two years of his life, Schneider gave lectures about government cover-ups, black budgets, and UFOs. Schneider was never able or willing to prove his allegations (e.g. showing the entrance to Dulce Base). His claims received little mainstream notice, but caused quite a buzz in UFO enthusiast circles. Schneider was found dead in his apartment on January 17 1996.

Some suggest Schneider was murdered after several attempts on his life & his family for exposing the truth about the U.S government's black budget & speaking openly about what's really happening underground with the Alien agenda.


Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 5



Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 6



Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 7 (Final)




Phil Schneider Discussion - Al Bielek 1 of 7









Phil Schneider Discussion - Al Bielek 3 of 7 (Kobe Japan Earthquake)



Michael Houtzager interview with Al Bielek on the Life &

Death of Phil Schneider, released in 2001




Phil Schneider Discussion - Al Bielek 7 of 7









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