Philippe Steer
Assistant Professor - Geosciences Rennes
A brief presentation:
I am Professor at Geosciences Rennes (Université de Rennes) and junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. My work is mainly focused on the modelling and monitoring of the interactions between climate, tectonics and surface processes. I am especially interested in understanding how stochastic processes, such as earthquakes or floods, can shape mountainous landscapes. I am currently leading the ERC FEASIBLe project (1.5 M€ - 2019-2025) that aims at better understanding and modelling the impact of extreme events on the short (days-years) to long term (1 Myr) dynamics of mountainous landscapes. I was previously leading the ANR EROQUAKE projet (200 k€ - 2014-2019) that was investigating the feedbacks between tectonics and surface processes at the seismic cycle time-scale.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested or curious about my work. You may also be willing to have a look at my CV or at my scientific publications.
You will find more info on the FEASIBLe - Finding how Earthquakes And Storms Impact the Building of Landscapes - project here.
Landscapes Live online seminars:
We have with colleagues setup this new initiative to have free+worldwide+online seminars in geomorphology. More info here:
PhD Students:
Lucas Pelascini (2019-2022 - Université Rennes 1): "Mécanique du déclenchement et de la réactivation des glissements de terrain" / "Mechanics of landslide triggering and reactivation"
Maxime Bernard (2017-2020 - Université Rennes 1): "Evolution géomorphologique du nord-est du Groenland durant le Cénozoïque" / "Cenozoic geomorphological evolution of North-East Greenland"
Louise Jeandet (2015-2018 - ANR EROQUAKE): "Relations entre tectonique et érosion à l’échelle temporelle du cycle sismique" / "Relationships between erosion and tectonics during the seismic cycle"
Thomas Croissant (2013-2016 - Université Rennes 1): "Modélisation numérique de l'impact des grands tremblements de terre sur la dynamique des rivières" / "Numerical modeling of the impact of large earthquakes on river dynamics" - Manuscript
Benjamin Bruneau (2020-2022 - ANR TopoExtreme)
Laure Guerit (2020-2022 - ERC FEASIBLe)
Thomas Croissant (2016-2017 - ANR EROQUAKE/Eros NZ/Université Rennes 1)
Maxime Mouyen (2015-2017 - CNES)
Research Project:
The ERC StG FEASIBLe project (1.5 M€): to come
The ANR JCJC EROQUAKE project (200 k€): The EROQUAKE project wish to investigate the relationships between tectonics and surface processes (erosion or sedimentation) at short time-scales (days, years, ...) using both observations and numerical modeling. In particular, the project focus on the possible link between extreme climatological events (e.g. typhoons), extreme surface processes (e.g. landslides) and earthquakes. The EROQUAKE project, which is hosted at the Université Rennes 1, is funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche and is granted to Philippe Steer for the time period 2014-2018. Please check out our EROQUAKE project website.
In the "news":
Cataclysmes, les grands régulateurs. France TV
Earthquakes trigger landslides. Can landslides also trigger earthquakes? Sciencemag
C'est confirmé : l'érosion peut provoquer des séismes - Université Rennes 1
How are mountains landscapes built? ERC news, Université Rennes 1
Comment les rivières digèrent les glissements de terrain - INSU
Ground deformation induced by typhoons - INSU, PhysOrg, SciencePost
Pourquoi la Terre a tremblé au sud de Rennes ? France Bleu
Le club des têtes au carré - France Inter
Des séismes à la surface - Science Ouest
Erosion may trigger earthquakes - TheEconomicTimes, TaiwanToday, PhysOrg, GeologyPage, VolcanoMadness, ScienceDaily, PanSci, ZeeNews, Tiempo, CNRS
L'érosion pourrait provoquer des séismes - OuestFrance, La Croix, Techno-Science, CNRS, INSU, Université Rennes 1
Philippe Steer et les séismes en Bretagne – RCF Alpha
Quand la Terre tremble … en Bretagne – Radio Campus Rennes
Trois tremblement de terre en Bretagne! - Le Web Campus de France Culture & Café des Sciences & Wikiradio UEB
À l'origine des séismes - Sciences Ouest
Roots of earthquake-prone faults brought to light - UiB
Study Links Earthquake Faults to Slow-Moving Depths - Lamont-Doherty Institute
Roots of earthquakes explained - UCL
L'érosion serait à l'origine de la sismicité des Pyrénées et des Alpes Occidentales - INSU
Ils ont trouvés les failles - Sciences Ouest
Scandinavian landscape had glacial facelift - Scienceω
Glacial youth therapy for the Scandinavian landscape - UiB
New knowledge about the shaping of Scandinavian landscape - Department of Earth Sciences, UiB
D'où viennent les paysages de Scandinavie ? - INSU - Méridianes Géo
Last Update: 21/01/2020