Ninh Pham's homepage

I am a senior lecturer in the School of Computer Science, University of Auckland. Prior to joining UOA, I worked in Copenhagen for 7 years at University of Copenhagen (DIKU) and IT University of Copenhagen (ITU). My main research interests are in designing and analyzing randomized algorithms for big data analytics.

Contact: ninh dot pham at auckland dot ac dot nz

I was a postdoctoral researcher at DIKU, University of Copenhagen, working with Stephen Alstrup in the DABAI project, aiming at designing efficient algorithms for machine learning and using big data for digital learning support. I was also a postdoctoral researcher in the Algorithms Group, ITU, involved in the SSS project, investigating efficient algorithms for high-dimensional similarity search on big data. I received my PhD at ITU under the supervision of Rasmus Pagh in 2014. My PhD project, part of the MaDaMS project, focused on efficient randomized algorithms for big data analytics. 

I received the best paper awards at WWW Conference 2014 and ECML-PKDD 2020. In 2022, recognized me as the 2022 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Data Mining (Rising Star) for my outstanding and vibrant contributions to this field between 2012 and 2021. 

Current Project: 

“Federated Nearest Neighbour Search: Theory and Practice” 2023 – 2026 (Marsden Fast-Start 2022) (AI: Assoc. Prof. F. Silvestri)

Ph.D. students: 



On the Power of Randomization in Big Data Analytics 


