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Pesotum, Illinois:
Pesotum Fire District is located in Southern Champaign County; south of 500N, east of 600E and west of 1500E. This includes Interstate 57 Between the 224 and the 216 mile posts.
Through M.A.B.A.S. agreements, we cooperate in mutual aid support with other local departments in both Champaign and Douglas Counties, Illinois.
Medical First Responders:
In addition to Fire-Rescue duties, PFD is classified as a Medical First Responder Department.
First responders, like ambulance paramedics, are alerted to emergency calls from a radio tone dispatched through the 911 system. Ambulance personnel are toned simultaneously. That crew however, will take longer to reach the person(s) in need.
Firefighter personnel, who provide initial response, are oriented toward basic life support and sustaining survival over the first few minutes of a medical emergency.
When ambulance paramedics (who are trained to diagnose and administer drugs) join the firefighters on scene, the role of Medical First Responder changes to that of assisting the ambulance paramedics.