
Welcome to my homepage!

For a quick look at my past activities/positions:

I obtained my PhD in Pure and Applied Logics at Universitat de Barcelona (Nov. 2013), under the supervision of Lluís Godo (IIIA-CSIC) and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (then at Oxford University)

After defending my PhD, I worked as a postdoc in the project Synthesis of Epistemic Protocols, with Fernando Soler Toscano at Universidad de Sevilla (2013-2014)   

Later on I worked in the project Epistemic Protocol Synthesis (ERC project), with Hans van Ditmarsch and the CELLO team at Nancy's LORIA CNRS lab. (2014-2016)

Then I worked at the Research Group for Non-Monotonic Logics and Formal Argumentation, with Christian Strasser, in Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2016-2019)

Still later on, I worked in the group of Marcello d'Agostino and Hykel Hosni on Formal Argumentation in Università degli Studi di Milano (2019-2020)

Currently I am at the University of Luxembourg, in the ICR group with Leon van der Torre and Emil Weydert.

My main research interests are: dynamic epistemic logic, argumentation, deontic logic and planning.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0181-4658.