Adventures in an emerging learning landscape

I finalized this book in 2009 (first drafted in 1990) as a reflection on how best to design environments for learning. We often find many of our current environments for learning lacking in luster, but the future is much brighter in its promise of an exciting time for learning. While many advances in thinking have taken place since its initial drafting, you might find the views expressed in the book have kept a certain currency. Do not think that this book is futuristic. Even if it charts a course that will evolve with time, it presents as well a perspective on learning that we can apply, each in our own particular way, right now, today. It is up to us to build imaginative learning environments and to continue to forge the science of learning technology. While this book is theoretical in its consideration of learning, it will hopefully lead you to many adventures in designing new and exciting learning environments. Philip Duchastel, Ph. D.