About the project

Project type: PN II - Human Resources, PD 2010

Postdoctoral Research Projects

Contract number: 80/03.08.2010

Funding Agency: CNCSIS, code 640

Principal investigator: asist. univ. dr. Dragomir Voicu Dan

Contractor: Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Title of the project: Stakeholder mapping and value distribution in the European Union

Abstract. Corporate value distribution is the cornerstone of any economic activity. Stakeholder groups (the employees, the executives, the entities in the supply chain, the government, the community, and the natural environment) are beneficiaries in the process of value distribution on a monetary as well as on a non-monetary basis. The aim of the project was to see how many of the corporate value distribution indicators are quantifiable and to what extent. The research question engages the researcher in mapping the different areas of value distribution to create a more detailed picture of each stakeholder group and sector. This project has employed a mixed research method: a comparative analysis and a content analysis of annual financial and sustainability reports, firstly for the purpose of stakeholder mapping, and secondly for the purpose of quantifying value distribution at the sector level, for each group of stakeholders. The resulting database was used for several descriptive and inferential statistical tests, aiming to identify the non-quantifiable areas of value distribution and to propose solutions. A qualitative (critical) approach to corporate disclosures was the scientific stance in this project.