Peter Langfield

I am currently a researcher in the CARMEN team at the INRIA research institute in Bordeaux, France, since October 2021, studying cardiac dynamics. I also work at the LIRYC cardiac institute in Bordeaux.

Previously, I was a postdoc with Ed Vigmond at the LIRYC Institute and the University of Bordeaux from October 2017, where I studied how gradients in the repolarization times of action potential in the ventricles can support arrhythmias.

During 2018, my postdoc was supported by a bourse de la Fondation Lefoulon Delalande, awarded in April 2018, and in 2018 my postdoc at Liryc was supported by a Marie Curie Prestige co-financing fellowship, awarded in February 2018.

I worked with Prof. Leon Glass as a postdoc at McGill University in Montreal, where I studied periodically forced oscillators and wave propagation in cardiac tissue.

My PhD was on the topic of isochrons and phaseless sets under the supervision of Prof. Hinke Osinga and Prof. Bernd Krauskopf, funded by a University of Auckland scholarship.


Researcher at the LIRYC & INRIA institutes in Bordeaux


     INRIA Bordeaux - Sud Ouest

     200 Av. de la Vieille Tour

     33405 Talence


    IHU Liryc

    Hôpital Xavier Arnozan

    Avenue du Haut Lévêque

    33604 Pessac cedex
