Philippine Consulate General - Osaka

Instructions: To search the status of your passport application through your official receipt number:

1.Click Ctrl-F (Command-F for Mac users) to generate the Find/Search bar of your browser (Command-F for Mac users).

2. In the search bar, enter the Official Receipt (OR) number. If the OR number is found, it will take you to the appropriate cell where you can find the current status of your application.

(Note: On an iPhone and using the Safari app, enter the OR number right where you enter the web address and scroll down to the bottom search result labeled "On This Page". Tap to get search result and advance to the OR number being searched)

Legend for Status Type:

IN PROCESS- Passport application is still being processed in the Philippines.

MAILED - Passport has been mailed by the Consulate to the applicant

RTS - Return to Sender - Postal service was unable to deliver the passport to the applicant due to wrong address or no one was able to personally receive the passport. Passport has been returned by the Postal Service to the Consulate.

READY FOR PICK-UP- Passport is in the custody of the Consulate and needs to be personally claimed by the applicant.

PENDING - Applicant still needs to submit old passport for cancellation and/or additional documentary requirements.

Applicants with RTS or PENDING status should contact the Consulate as soon as possible.