Dr. Pascal Scoles

Community College of Philadelphia

1700 Spring Garden St.

Office: W2-45:-email pscoles@ccp.edu

Dr. Pascal Scoles was promoted to Full  Professor of Behavioral Health/Human Services in the Department of Psychology, Education, and Human Services in 2003. He is the Founding Director of the Office of Collegiate Recovery and developed the Addiction Studies Certification, Division of Liberal Studies at Community College of Philadelphia. From 1999 to 2012 and from 2020 to 2022, he was the Behavioral Health/Human Services Program Coordinator. For over forty years, he was a clinical therapist for individuals with mental health and addiction. He received his doctorate (DSW) in Addictions and Health Administration from the University of Pennsylvania (University Scholar), School of Policy and Practice. He completed the Advanced Research Certification at the University of Pennsylvania and received his M.S.W. from Rutgers University (NIMH Fellow) and his bachelor’s degree from LaSalle College, Philadelphia, PA. 

 He has been an administrator, educator, therapist (LCSW), teacher, consultant to treatment facilities, city and state governments, the criminal justice system, and a psychotherapist to chemically dependent individuals and their families.  He has published over seventy-five (75) articles on behavioral health and addiction and three (3) textbooks.

 From 1979 to 1985, Dr. Pascal Scoles served as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Mayor's Commission on Addiction and Recovery (formerly the Mayor’s Drug and Alcohol Executive Commission), City of Philadelphia); he continues to serve on the Commission, being reappointed by seven different Mayors. In 2024, he was reelected Vice Chair of the Mayor's Commission. From 1974 to 1986, he was the Principal Investigator and Senior Consultant to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Alcohol–Highway Safety Program.

 Dr. Scoles developed and implemented the Court Reporting Network (CRN) Evaluation system and the statewide DUI safe driving school curriculum under contract with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation. From 2007 to 2023, he was appointed to the Addictions Advisory Board (now DBHIDS Advisory Board, City of Philadelphia). From 2014 to 2023, he was appointed as a member of the Faith and Spiritual Affairs Advisory Board, the City of Philadelphia, Department of Behavioral Health, and Intellectual disAbility Services. From 2016 to 2017, he was the Director (Principal Investigator) of the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Grant (BHWET), funded by SAMHSA at Community College of Philadelphia. 

Community College of Philadelphia Television Station (CCPTV-Channel 53):

           Ø 2019 to 2020-Co-Producer of PSAs on Opioid Crisis, Mayor's Commission on Addiction and Recovery,

             City of Philadelphia.

Ø 2018 to present - Host & Co-Producer of In Recovery (CCPTV). A talk show about individuals in recovery.

Ø 2014 -Co-Producer –Award-winning PSA on "Domestic Violence."

Ø 2013 -Co-Producer –Award-winning PSA on "Recovery Is Alive and Doing Well in Philadelphia.

Ø 2011 to present -Host & Co-Producer of over seventy shows-Tapestry of Life- (CCPTV)—a talk show about Behavioral Health Challenges in the City of Philadelphia.


Ø: 2021 Beverly J. Haberle Recovery Champion Award. PRO-ACT.

Ø 2020 Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition Award, American Association of Community Colleges.

Ø 2015 Faith and Spirituality Award, City of Philadelphia (DBHIDS).

Ø 2008 Recovery Community of Philadelphia Award, City of Philadelphia (DBHIDS).

Ø 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award, Veteran’s Services Department (Impact Corp.).

Ø 2006 Presidential Faculty Award, Community College of Philadelphia.

Ø 1996 Who’s Who among America's Teachers.

Ø 1983 Meritorious Service Award, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Ø 1983 Professional Service Award, Crisis Intervention Network, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.


Collegiate Appointments and Affiliations:

Ø 1999 - 2008 Adjunct Professor-Alvernia University Behavioral Health Studies, LPC/MALS Graduate & Continuing Education.

Ø 1983 - 1992 Adjunct Faculty - Rutgers University Graduate School of Social Work 311 North Fifth St., Camden, NJ.

Ø 1982 - 1990 Adjunct Professional Medical Staff, Northwestern Institute of Psychiatry, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania.

Ø 1982 - 1990 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Psychology), Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pa.

Ø 1966 - 1970 Adjunct Faculty, Psychology, Community College of Philadelphia, 1700 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19130.


Community Boards:

Ø: 2003-2008-Elected School Board Director, Colonial School Board. Montgomery Co.

Ø  2004-2007-Plymouth Township Open Space Committee. Montgomery Co.

Ø  1986-2002-Plymouth Township Park and Recreation Board (Vice-Chairperson 1992-1994. Chairperson 1995-1998) Montgomery Co.

Ø  1984 –1988-President and Chairman of Board of Directors, Alcohol and Mental Health Associates, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa.

Ø  1984 –1986- Board of Directors, College Consortium on Drugs and Alcohol- Widener University, Chester, Pa.


Current Book Publications:

 Scoles, Pascal. (2023). Faith Spirituality and Resilience in Recovery. LAD Custom Books.

 Scoles, Pascal. (2023). Assessment and Service Planning in Recovery. LAD Custom Books

 Scoles, Pascal. (2024). Foundation of Addiction and Recovery Studies. LAD Custom Books.


Articles, Manuscripts, and Selected Presentations:

 Bogart, K and P. Scoles. (1971) Endorsement of Machiavellian Attitude and Mental Health Status. Journal of Counseling Psychology.


DiRosa, F & P. Scoles (2019): The Healing Pillars of Collegiate Recovery: A Community College Model of  Recovery and Education. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice,  Vol. 57. Issue 1.


Fine, E. and P. Scoles. (1974) Alcohol, Alcoholism, and Highway Safety. Public Health Reviews: An International Quarterly (Tel Aviv). December.


Fine, E. and P. Scoles. (1974) The Incidence and Type of Alcohol Abuse in First Offenders Arrested for Driving While Intoxicated. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Toronto, Canada. September.


Fine, E. and P. Scoles. (1975) Secondary Prevention of Alcoholism Using a DWI Population Presented at National Council on Alcoholism. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April.


Fine, E., P. Scoles, and M. Mulligan. (1975) Alcohol Abuse in First Offenders Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated. Proceeding’s 6th International Conference on Alcohol. Drugs, and Highway Safety, Toronto: Addictions Research Foundation.


Fine, E., P Scoles, and M. Mulligan. (1975) Under the Influence, Characteristics, and Drinking Practices of Persons Arrested for the First Time for Drunk Driving. Public Health Reports. September/October.


Fine, E., and P. Scoles. (1976) Secondary Prevention of Alcoholism, Using A Population of Offenders Arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol.273, pp. 637‑645.


Fine, E., R. Steer, and P. Scoles. (1978) Evaluation of a Treatment Program for Drunk Driving Offenders. Presented at the Scientific‑Medical Session of the National Council on Alcoholism. St. Louis, Missouri, May.


Fine, E. and P. Scoles. (1983) Alcohol and Drug Dependence ‑ A United States Perspective. Presented at the University of Tel Aviv, Israel, January.


Fine, E. and P. Scoles (1979) Treatment Implications, Polydrug Use Patterns, Race, And The Problem Drinking Driver. Currents in Alcoholism. Fall.


Fine, E., R. Steer, and P. Scoles. (1978) Relationship Between Blood Alcohol Concentration and Self‑Reported Drinking Behavior. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Vol.39, 466‑472.


Fine, E., P. Scoles, and R. Steer. (1980) A Typology of Women Who Drink and Drive: Treatment Implications. Journal of Addictions and Health. Vol.1, No.4, Fall.


Henderson J. and P. Scoles. (1970) Conditioning Techniques in a Community Based Operant Environment for Psychotic Men. Behavior Therapy. May.


Loeb, A. and P. Scoles. (1968) Returning Dropouts to Active Status in a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program. Social Work. July.

Scoles, Pascal (2024). Self-Help and The Change Process of Recovery. Journal of Addict Res, 8(1), 01-07.

Scoles, Pascal. (2024). Holistic Health and The Process of Recovery. Journal Of Behavioral Health and Psychology. Vol. 13. No. 1. Pages 1-5.

Scoles, Pascal. (2023). Culture and Faith in the Healing Process of Recovery. Journal Of Behavioral Health and Psychology. VOL 12, NO. 1 pp.1-6.

Scoles, Pascal. (2022). Diversity, Inclusion, and Lifestyle in Behavioral Health Care. Journal Of Behavioral Health and Psychology. Vol. 11, NO. 2, 1 – 6.

Scoles, Pascal. (2022). Recovery Assessment: Culture, Ethnicity, and Spiritual Dysfunction. Journal of Behavioral Health. Vol 11, No. 1,  1–6.

Scoles, Pascal, (2022). Recovery Management and The Shadow of The Healing Process. J of Addict Dis & Ment Heal, 2 (1): 1-8.

Scoles, Pascal (2021). Spiritual Beliefs, Communal Experiences, and Multicultural Diversity in Recovery. Journal of Addictive Disorders and Mental Health. July. pp. 1-6.

Scoles, Pascal (2021). Natural Recovery & Supportive Community Networks. J. Psychology & Behavior Research. Vol. 3:1. 7-20.


Scoles, Pascal. (2021). Recovery Communities, the Insanity of Addiction and Spiritual Consciousness. Journal of Addiction and Recovery. Vol. 4 (1). 1026.


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). Public Health, Population Health, and the Self-Help Movement in Recovery. Journal of Behavioral Health. Vol. 9, Number 3, pp. 1-5.


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). Cultural Competence, Race, and Ethnicity in Community-Based Recovery Treatment Programs. International Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, Vol. 3:22


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). Drug Culture and the Culture of Recovery. Sober World. July.


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). A Community College Approach to the Collegiate Recovery Movement. Journal of Behavioral Health. Vol. 9. No 1. pp. 1-5.


Scoles, Pascal. (2020).  Anger, Anxiety, and Health Determinants in the Process of Community Recovery. International Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy.  Vol. 3:19.


Scoles Pascal. (2020) Spirituality, Culture, and the Process of Assessment in Recovery. Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation. Vol. 9:2.


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). Health and the healing process of recovery. Journal of Addiction and Recovery. Volume 3.


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). Building recovery resilience through culture, community, and spirituality. Journal of Behavioral Health. 9. (1): 275-281.   


Scoles, Pascal. (2020). Trauma, Addiction, and the Community. Sober World.  January, Vol. 9. Issue 1.


Scoles, Pascal. (2019). The Flow of Recovery. Counselor. Vol. 20, No. 1 pp. 33-37.


Scoles, Pascal. (2017) Keynote Speaker. New Jersey Community College Counselors’ Association 36th Annual Meeting. “Students in Collegiate Recovery: Coaching and Mentoring for Success in College” February.


Scoles, Pascal. (2008). Addiction and Recovery: A Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model of Chemical Dependency. (3rd Ed.). CA: Cengage Learning.


Scoles, Pascal. (2008). Psycho-diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Client Advocacy in Addictions. (3rd Ed.). CA: Cengage Learning.

Scoles, Pascal. (2002). Jung, Addiction, and Recovery. MA: Erudition Books.


Scoles, Pascal. (1981) A Review of the California Instructor's Manual. Abstracts and Reviews in Alcohol and Driving. Vol. 2, Number 2, February.


Scoles, Pascal. (1969) Aftercare and Rehabilitation of the Chronic Mental Patient for Effective Functioning in the Community. Presented at the National Conference on Social Welfare. New York. May.


Scoles, Pascal. (1970) The Power Structure in the Therapeutic Milieu. Presented at the American Orthopsychiatry Association. San Francisco. March.


Scoles, Pascal (1978) The Pennsylvania Alcohol‑Highway Safety Countermeasure System. Presented by invitation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at the National Council on Alcoholism. St. Louis, Missouri, May.


Scoles Pascal. (1973) Alcohol and Highway Safety: Some Research Implications. Presented at National Council on Alcoholism Washington, D.C., April.


Scoles, Pascal. (1978) A Human Factor Related DUI Program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Keynote Speaker: Ohio Alcohol Traffic Safety Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 27‑28.


Scoles, Pascal. (1981) Drinking and Driving Among the Elderly. Presented by invitation from the Pennsylvania Department of Health. ODAP. 5th Annual Drug and Alcohol Abuse Conference. Lancaster, Pa. October.

Scoles, Pascal. (1980) Treating the Alcoholic Driver. Presented at 1980 Pennsylvania Institute of Drug and Alcohol Studies. Elizabethtown College. August.


Scoles, Pascal. (1979) The Diagnosis of Problem Drinking Drivers. Keynote Speaker: Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Project. Richmond, Virginia. December 15-16.


Scoles, Pascal. (1980) Alcohol a Critical Issue in Education. Presented by invitation from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Harrisburg, PA May.


Scoles, Pascal. (1981) Women, Alcohol and Highway Safety in Instructor's Guide: Governor's Traffic Safety Council. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Scoles, Pascal. (1981) The Elderly, Drugs, Alcohol, and Highway Safety in Instructor's Guide: Governor's Traffic Safety Council. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Scoles, Pascal. (1983) Handling the Problem Drinker: Skills for Front‑Line Staff. Alcohol on Campus: Use and Abuse. Delaware Valley College Consortium on Drugs and Alcohol. Presented at Villanova University, February.


Scoles, Pascal. (1983) The Need for Assessment and Treatment Standards for DUI Programs presented at DWI Colloquium. Sponsored by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. San Diego,  California, August.


Scoles, Pascal. (1986) DUI Offenders Presenting With Positive Blood Alcohol Levels at Pre-Sentencing Evaluation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Vol.47, No.6.


Scoles, Pascal. (1983) A Strategy to Implement a Driving Under the Influence Screening and Referral The system in Los Angeles County. Prepared for the County of Los Angeles, Office on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the Municipal Court Judges' Association. Contract #45500.


Scoles, Pascal. (1985) Drinking Driver Offender Typology: Health Evaluations and the Court Reporting Network (CRN) Final Report. Prepared for the Philadelphia Municipal Court System, Philadelphia, Pa.


Scoles, Pascal. (1986) Program Management and Procedures Manual for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Alcohol‑Highway Safety Program. Department of Transportation Contract #81634.


Scoles, Pascal. (2001). A College Guide to the Twelve Core Functions of a Professional Addiction Counselor. Boston: Xan Edu Books.


Scoles, Pascal. (1980) Drug and Alcohol Intervention Strategies for Problem Drinkers Arrested for Driving Under the Influence. Presented by invitation of the Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse at the 4th Annual Drug and Alcohol Abuse Conference. Pennsylvania, October.


Scoles, Pascal. (1981) Youth, Drugs, Alcohol and Highway Safety in Instructor's Guide: Governor's Traffic Safety Council. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 66‑74.


Scoles, P. and F. DiRosa. (2019). Postsecondary Transformative Education in Recovery. Sober World. Vol. 8. August.


Scoles, P, and F. DiRosa. (2019). Transformational Education and Recovery. Counselor. Sept/October.


Scoles, P and F. DiRosa (2018). Social Determinants of Health and Behavioral Health Challenges. Counselor. Vol. 19. No.3. May/June.


Scoles, P. and E. Fine. (1971) Aftercare and Social Rehabilitation in a Community Mental Health Center. Social Work. July.


Scoles, P. et al. (1980) Depression on Women Arrested for Driving Under the Influence. Journal of Addictions and Health. Vol.1, No.2, June.


Scoles, P. and E. Fine. (1977) Short-Term Effects of Educational Programs for Drinking Drivers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol.38, No.3, 633‑637.


Scoles, P. and E. Fine (1978) Poly-drug Use Patterns, Race, and The Problem Drinking Driver. Presented at Medical‑Scientific Session of the National Council on Alcoholism. St. Louis,  Missouri, May.


Scoles, P. and E. Fine. (1981) Some Considerations of Alcohol Use and Drinking/Driving Behavior in Women. Journal of Addictions and Health. Vol.2, No.3, 133‑144 Autumn.


Scoles, P. and E. Fine. (1981) Substance Abuse Patterns Among Youthful Drinking Drivers. Presented at Medical Scientific Session of the National Council on Alcoholism, New Orleans,  Louisiana. April.


Scoles, P. et al. (1979) A Court Reporting Network (CRN) for the Arrested Drinking Driver. Proceedings of the 2nd National DWI Conference. Rochester, Minnesota, June.


Scoles, P. et al. (1984) Personality Characteristics and Drinking Patterns of High-Risk Drivers Never Apprehended for Driving While Intoxicated. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Vol.45, No.5, 411‑416. September.


Scoles, P. and E. Fine (Eds.) (1978). Proceedings of the First Pennsylvania Alcohol‑Highway Safety Conference. Philadelphia: M. E. Prestegard & Co.


Scoles, P. et al. (1981) Alcohol‑Law Enforcement Manual. Philadelphia: Leiss Lithographers Press, Contract #AL‑76‑10‑4.


Scoles, P. et. al. (1981) Judicial Manual. Philadelphia: Leiss Lithographers Press, Contract # AL76‑10‑4.


Scoles, P., et al. (1979) Governor's Traffic Safety Council ‑ DUI Evaluation Procedures Manual. Prepared for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Contract #ME‑8052.


Scoles, P. et al. (1979) Governor's Traffic Safety Council ‑ DUI Program Management Manual. I was prepared for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Contract #ME‑8052.


Scoles, P. et al. (1980) Governor's Traffic Safety Council ‑ DUI Court Reporting Network Manual. Prepared for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Agreement #63985.


Scoles, P. and Fine, E. (1981) Habitual DUI Offender Research Project. Prepared for the City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Health, Contract #80‑6604.


Scoles, P. and Fine, E. (1981) Assessment of High‑Risk Drivers. Final Report. Prepared for the City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Health, Contract #80‑6603


Steer, B., Scoles, P. and Fine, E. (1984) Personality Characteristics of Habitual DUI and Reckless Driving Offenders: Types of Motivational Distortion. Multivariate Clinical Experimental Research. Fall.


Steer, R., Scoles, P. and Fine, E. (1979) Relationship Between NIAAA's Impairment Index and the Mortimer-Filkins Interview for Repeated Drunk Driving Offenders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Vol.40, No.3.


Steer, R.A., Fine, E.W. and Scoles, P. (1979) Classification and Treatment Implications of Men Arrested for Driving While Intoxicated: A Cluster Analytic Study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Vol.40, No.3.


Steer, R.A., P. Scoles and E. Fine (1979) Evaluation of a Treatment Program for Drunk Driving Offenders. Currents in Alcoholism. Fall.