Johann Park
Hi. I am a professor of International Relations at Incheon National University, Korea. I have previously taught at University of California-Merced and Mississippi State University. I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from Michigan State University (GPA: 3.96/4.0).
I have a broad range of research interests in human behaviors and human institutions shaping and also shaped by conflict, peace, poverty and prosperity. My research has been published in major political science journals across the world, such as International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Electoral Studies, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Foreign Policy Analysis, Chinese Journal of International Politics, Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, and Japanese Journal of Political Science among others.
Thankfully, my teaching and research have been acknowledged by students and colleagues. I have received faculty teaching and research awards from my current (INU) and previous (Mississippi State) institutions.
I have served as reviewer for leading political science journals, such as American Journal of Political Science, International Organization, Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, British Journal of Political Science, among many others.