This seminar is organised by Mathieu Parenti, Kevin O'Rourke, Lionel Fontagné.

Administrative support: Laurence Vincent (

The Paris Trade Seminar is a joint seminar of the:

Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1, INRAE and Sciences Po.

This seminar is supported by PSE, INRAE, Sciences Po, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

The seminar takes place since 2010 every two weeks on Tuesday, rotating by semesters between PSE and Sciences Po:

Sciences Po 28 rue des Saints-Pères (Paris) - Room H.405 

PSE, 48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris - Room R2-01

The seminar presents recent works by French and foreign scholars about International trade and its frontiers with other fields. The seminar has become a major meeting point for trade economists in Paris. Consequently it is scheduled to have informal discussions between participants and the speaker at the end of the seminar. 


Upcoming seminars 

Sc Po (2:30 pm to 3:45 pm, Room H.405)

Exceptionally scheduled from 15:15 to 16:30
Justice for Sale: Explaining the Rise in Investor State Dispute Settlement

PSE (2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, Room R2-01)


Tue. 9 December 2014: Nuno LIMAO (Maryland)

Policy Uncertainty, Trade and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for China and the U.S.

Tue. 2 December 2014: Kerem COSAR (Chicago)

Taste Heterogeneity, Trade Costs, and Global Market Outcomes in the Automobile Industry

Tue. 25 November 2014: Priya RANJAN (UC Irvine)

Globalization, Jobs and Welfare: The Roles of Social Protection and Redistribution

Tue. 4 November 2014: Luigi PASCALI (Warwick & Pompeu Fabra)

The Wind of Change: Maritime Technology, Trade and Economic Development

Tue. 28 October 2014: Mathieu PARENTI (UCL Core)

Toward a theory of monopolistic competition

Tue. 14 October 2014: Gabriel FELBERMAYR (CESifo) 

Trade and the Spatial Distribution of Transport Infrastructure

Tue. 30 September 2014: Swati DHINGRA (LSE)

Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity Under Firm Heterogeneity

Tue. 16 September 2014: Christian VOLPE MARTINCUS (IADB)

Transit Trade

Tue. 3 July 2014: Florian MAYNERIS (CORE)

The cleansing effect of minimum wage: Firm-level and aggregate effects of the 2004 reform of minimum wage rules in China

Tue. 17 June 2014: Tibor BESEDES (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta)

The Effects of Airspace Closures on Trade in the Aftermath of Eyjafjallajökull

Tue. 3 June 2014: Kristian BEHRENS (UQAM)

Distorted Monopolistic Competition

Tue. 20 May 2014: Emanuel ORNELAS (LSE)

Institutions and Export Dynamics

Tue. 13 May 2014: Frédéric WARZYNSKI (Aarhus)

Offshoring and the Shortening of the Quality Ladder: Evidence from Danish Apparel

Tue. 29 April 2014: Andrew BERNARD (Tuck School of Business, CEPR & NBER)

Two-Sided Heterogeneity and Trade

Tue. 1 April 2014: Swati DHINGRA (LSE)

Contracting and the Division of the Gains from Trade

Tue. 18 March 2014: Peter EGGER (ETH Zurich)

The Causal Impact of Common Native Language on International Trade: Evidence from a Spatial Regression Discontinuity Design.

Tue. 4 March 2014: Beata JAVORCIK (University of Oxford and CEPR)

Grin and Bear It : Producer-Financed Exports from an Emerging Market

Tue. 4 February 2014: Pushan DUTT (INSEAD)

The Gravity of Experience

Tue. 14 January 2014: David MARTIMORT (PSE)

Trade, Trade Policy and  Trade Agreements with  Double-Edged Incentives

Tue. 10 December 2013: Giovanni PERI (UC Davis)

Immigrants and Native Workers New Analysis Using Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data

Tue. 03 December 2013: James ANDERSON (Boston College)

Intra-national Trade Costs: Canadian Border Puzzles

Tue. 19 November 2013: Balasz MURAKOZY (CERS-HAS)

Shipment Frequency of Exporters and demand Uncertainty

Tue. 5 November 2013: Volcker NOCKE (Manheim)

Cross-Border Price Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Framework for Competition Policy

Tue. 22 October 2013: Miklos KOREN (Central European University)

Lumpy Trade and the Welfare Effects of Administrative Barriers

Tue. 15 October 2013: Arnaud COSTINOT (MIT)

Optimal Trade Taxes and Comparative Advantage

Tue. 8 October 2013: David ALBOUY (Michigan)

Urban Population and Amenities

Tue. 24 September 2013: Ina SIMONOVSKA (Davis)

Different TradeModels, Different Trade Elasticities

Tue. 9 July 2013: Lorenzo CALIENDO (Yale)

The anatomy of French production hierarchies

Tue. 25 June 2013: Enrico MORETTI (Berkeley)

Local Economic Development, Agglomeration Economies and the Big Push: 100 Years of Evidencefrom the Tennessee Valley Authority

Tue. 11 June 2013: Maria GUADALUPE (INSEAD)

The perfect match: Assortative matching in international acquisitions

Tue. 28 May 2013: Juan-Carlos HALLAK (U. San Andrés)

Survival in Export Markets

Tue. 14 May 2013: Marc MELITZ (Harvard)

Firm Heterogeneity and Aggregate Welfare

Tue. 16 April 2013: Nicholas SLY (U. Oregon)

A Simple Model of Globalization, Schooling and Skill Acquisition

Tue. 02 April 2013: David HEMOUS (INSEAD)

Trade Dynamics with Sector-Specific Human Capital

Tue. 26 March 2013: Hartmut EGGER (Bayreuth)

Offshoring Domestic Jobs

Tue. 05 February 2013: Giovanni FACCHINI (Nottingham)

Export growth and firm survival

Tue. 29 January 2013: Hillel RAPOPORT (Bar Ilan)

Birth Place Diversity and Economic Prosperity

Tue. 27 November 2012: Daniel STURM (LSE)

The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall

Tue. 13 November 2012: Vanessa STRAUSS-KAHN (ESCP, Paris)

Export Dynamics: Raising Export survival through Experience

Tue. 23 October 2012: Christopher MEISSNER (U. of California, Davis)

Market Potential and Economic Performance in the Early 20th Century

Tue. 9 October 2012: Gabriel FELBERMAYR (LMU, Munich)

New trade Models, Same Old Optimal Policies?

Tue. 25 September 2012: James HARRIGAN (U. of Virginia)

Export Prices of US Firms

Tue. 26 June 2012: Giordano MION (LSE)

Manager's Mobility, Trade Status and Wages

Tue. 19 June 2012: Frédéric ROBERT-NICOUD (Genève)

Productive Cities: Sorting, Selection and Agglomeration

Tue. 12 June 2012: Eduardo MORALES (Columbia)

Gravity and Extended Gravity: Estimating a Structural Model of Export Entry

Tue. 5 June 2012 : Frabrizio ZILIBOTTI (Zurich)

Offshoring and Directed Technical Change

Mon. 4 June 2012 : Michael ROBERTS (North-Carolina State U.)

Commodity Price Adjustment in a Competitive Storage Model with an Application to the Biofuel Mandate

Tue. 29 May 2012: Amit KHANDELWAL (Columbia)

Prices, Markups and Trade Reform

Tue. 15 May 2012: Enrique MENDOZA (Maryland)

Macro-prudential Policy in a Fisherian Model of Financial Innovation

Tue. 22 May 2012: Gianmarco OTTAVIANO (LSE)

Agglomeration, trade and Selection

Thurs. 3 May 2012: Scott TAYLOR (Calgary)

Back to the Future of Green Powered Economies

Tue. 10 April 2012: Jean-Marie GRETHER (Neuchatel)

Measuring the Pollution Terms of Trade with Technique Effects

Tue. 3 April 2012: Marcello OLARREAGA (Genève) 

There goes gravity: How eBay reduces trade costs

Tue. 27 March 2012: Gene GROSSMAN (Princeton)

A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment

Tue. 20 March 2012: Linda TESAR (Michigan)

The Impact of Foreign Liabilities on Small Firms: Firm-Level Evidence from the Korean Crisis

Thursd. 15 March 2012: Andrei LEVCHENKO (Michigan)

The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Welfare Implications

Tue. 6 March 2012: Ralph OSSA (Chicago)

Trade Wars and Trade Talks with Data

Tue. 7 February 2012: Gabor BEKES (HAS)

Temporary trade and heterogeneous firms

Tue. 31 January 2012: Paolo EPIFANI (Bocconi)

Productivity, Quality and Export Behavior

Tue. 17 January 2012: Farid TOUBAL (PSE)

Native Language, Spoken Language, Translation and Trade

Tue.10 January 2012: Olivier CADOT (Lausanne)

An Evaluation of Tunisia's Export Promotion Program

Tue. 13 Dec 2011: Jonatan EATON (Penn State)

An Anatomy of International Trade: Evidence from French Firms

Tue. 6 Dec 2011: John ROMALIS (Chicago)

International Prices and Endogenous Quality

Tue. 29 Nov 2011: Holger GORG (Kiel)

Offshoring, Tasks and the Skill Wage Premium

Tue. 22 Nov 2011: Dennis NOVY (Warwick)

International Trade without CES: Estimating Translog Gravity

Tue. 15 Nov 2011: Peter EGGER (Zurich)

Trade Preferences and Bilateral Trade in Goods and Services: A Structural Approach

Tue. 8 Nov 2011: Jacques THISSE (CORE)

Monopolistic competition in general equilibrium: Beyond the CES

Thursd. 3 Nov 2011: Tito BOERI (Bocconi)

Moving to Segregation: Evidence from 8 Italian Cities

Tue. 25 Oct 2011: James MARKUSEN (Boulder)

Putting per-capita income back into trade theory

Mon. 24 Oct 2011: Katheryn NILES RUSS (UC Davis)

Understanding Markups in the Open Economy under Bertrand Competition

Tue. 4 Oct 2011: James ANDERSON (Boston College)

Terms of Trade and Global Efficiency Effects of Free Trade Agreements, 1990-2002

Tue. 21 June 2011: Ronald DAVIES (UC Dublin) 

Royale with Cheese: The Effect of Globalization on the Variety of Goods

Tue. 14 June 2011: Anna-Maria MAYDA (Georgetown U.)

Protection for Free? The Political Economy of U.S. Tariff Suspensions

Tue. 31 May 2011: Thomas CHANEY (Chicago)

The Network Structure of International Trade

Tue. 24 May 2011: Edwin LAI (Hong Kong UST)

A Model of trade with Ricardian Comparative Advantage and Intra-Sectoral Firm Heterogeneity

Mon. 23 May 2011: Scott BAIER (Clemson U.)

Gravity, Economic Geography and Income Innovations

Tue. 17 May 2011: Arnaud COSTINOT (MIT)

Vertical Specialization and the Interdependence of Nations

Tue. 5 Apr 2011: Marc MELITZ (Harvard)

Trade Liberalization and Firm Dynamics

Tue. 29 March 2011: Daniel LEDERMAN (World bank)

Exports, Export Destinations, and Skills

Tue. 8 March 2011: Farid TOUBAL (U. of Angers, France)

Productivity, Relationship-Specific Inputs and the Sourcing Modes of Multinational Firms

Tue. 1 March 2011: Anne-Célia DISDIER (INRA, Paris)

North-South Standards Harmonization and International Trade

Tue. 22 February 2011: Kalina MANOVA (Stanford)

Firm Exports and Multinational Activity under Credit Constraints

Tue. 8 February 2011: Carsten ECKEL (LMU, Munich)

International Trade and Retailing

Tue. 30 November 2010: Ariell RESHEF (U. of Virginia)

Skill biased heterogeneous firms: trade liberalization and the skill premium redux

Tue. 23 Nov 2010: Hillel ROPOPORT (Bar Ilan U.)

Tradable immigration quotas

Tue. 16 November 2010: Linda GOLDBERG (FRBNY)

Micro, Macro and Strategic Forces in Invoicing International Trade

Tue. 2 November 2010: Peter NEARY (Oxford)

Firm Selection into Export-Platform Foreign Direct Investment

Tue. 19 October 2010: Peter SCHOTT (Yale)

Misallocation of Quota Licenses: Evidence from Chinese Textile and Apparel Exporters

Tue. 12 October 2010: Giammario IMPULLITTI (Cambridge)

Trade, Firm Selection, and Innovation: the Competition Channel

Tue. 28 September 2010: George ALLESSANDRIA (FRB Philadelphia)

Establishment Heterogeneity, Exporter Dynamics, and the Effects of Trade Liberalization

Tue. 1 February 2010: Julian Di GIOVANNI (IMF)

Country Size, International Trade and Aggregate Fluctuations in Granular Economy