Pack 625 Hiking Club

Hikes are a fun, educational, and healthy part of the Cub Scout experience, and all Scouts are encouraged to hike with their Den or Pack as often as they can. Many ranks have requirements involving hikes or outdoor nature walks, using maps, and other activities that can be completed on short hikes in our local area.

Official Pack and Den Hikes may be counted toward hiking awards.

Hikes must follow the Guide to Safe Scouting guidelines.

  • two deep adult leadership. Official hikes require at least one Trained Adult Leader and 2 Scouts.
  • tour plan / medical forms when appropriate.
  • Let someone know your plans. Where are you going, when will you return?
  • Use the buddy system.
  • Adequate footwear is required.
  • Scouts may not hike alone.
  • Stay together.
  • Pace – Hike at the pace of the slowest scout.

Rank specific safety requirements:

Tigers – Hikes require adult partner (parent/guardian) participation.

Wolf/Bear – Adults lead and sweep.

Webelos – Webelos (who have earned the 50 miler) may lead but adult must sweep.

Recording Hike Miles

Hiking miles are now easily tracked in ScoutBook under each of your Scout's profiles. Parents and Den Leaders can enter miles from official hikes.


Hiking stick (Scout stave)

Earned when a Scout has hiked 15 miles on official hikes.

Additional awards for your stave are awarded every 5 miles after that.

Eagle Feathers –

  • Blue and Gold Eagle Feather - comes with stave (15 miler award).
  • Red Eagle Feather - 50 miler award.

Rules about hiking sticks:

Put your name on your hiking stick.

Hiking stick will be taken away if used inappropriately.

Scout Outdoor Essentials

  1. Pocketknife (Cubs must have Whittling Chip)
  2. First aid kit
  3. Extra clothing
  4. Rain gear
  5. Water bottle
  6. Flashlight
  7. Trail food
  8. Matches and fire starters
  9. Sun protection
  10. Map and compass

Other Essentials

  1. Whistle
  2. Blister treatment (moleskin)
  3. Insect repellent
  4. Sunglasses
  5. Toilet paper
  6. Extra socks/liners
  7. Head covering (for rain/warmth)
  8. Duct tape
  9. Water purification (extra water)
  10. Trash bag
  11. Space blanket (emergency shelter)

Safe Hiking on the Highway

  1. Hike with a buddy.
  2. Wear light/bright-colored clothing.
  3. Walk on the left-hand side (facing traffic).
  4. Use a flashlight.
  5. Stay on the sidewalk (if possible).
  6. Never hitchhike.

Safe Hiking on the Trail

  1. Hike with a buddy.
  2. Wear light/bright-colored clothing.
  3. Use bridges to cross streams (avoid wading if possible).
  4. Detour around areas that might be dangerous.