
Thank you for agreeing to become a trained Leader for Pack 323! Many of the necessary registration and training documents are accessible from this page.

You may find the registration documents HERE.

You may find the training documents HERE.

This trove includes several how-to documents to help guide you through the process. If you have any questions, please contact the Pack Trainer. A member of the Pack Committee, it is his or her responsibility to help you get properly registered and trained so that you can begin to effectively deliver the Scouting program to your Den.

Within the first 30 days of volunteering, all Pack 323 Leaders must...


1) submit adult volunteer application

2) complete Youth Protection Training


3) submit adult volunteer application and necessary background check forms

4) complete Protecting God's Children Training

With these requirements complete, each Leader should then strive to become "Fully Trained". A fully trained leader is better able to deliver the Scouting program to the youth or adults their position serves. Wearing the "Trained" patch will let your Den's parents know that you have voluntarily gone beyond the minimum training requirements.