Oswaldo Molina
Universidad del Pacífico
Av. Salaverry 2020, Lima 11, Peru
Email: o.molinac@up.edu.pe
Twitter: @OswaldoMolinaC
RePEc Profile, Google Scholar Profile
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Universidad del Pacifico (Lima, Peru) and a Research Associate at Universidad del Pacifico Research Centre. Currently, I am leading the Red de Estudios para el Desarrollo (REDES), an initiative for disseminating and increasing the impact of research.
Also, I am an Associate Editor of the Oxford Development Studies and an op-ed columnist at El Comercio Newspaper (here you can find my op-eds). I am affiliated with GLO and JPAL.
I obtained a PhD in Economics at Oxford University. My resarch focuses on empirical development microeconomics.
Research (Jan ´24): My research on the gender differences in the access to higher education (with Diego Santa Maria and Gustavo Yamada) has been published at the journal Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Research (Aug ´23): My chapter on CCTs and Health (with Natalia Guerrero and Diego Winkelried) has just been published in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.
Research (May ´22): New working paper about the impact of Covid-19 on risk and time preferences (with Fernando Aragón, Noelia Bernal and Mariano Bosch)
Research (Oct ´21): My research on the peer effects of domestic violence within school classrooms (with Italo Gutierrez) has just been published at the journal Economics of Education Review.
Media (Jun ´21): Some comments about Peru´s challenges for the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Univisión (Latam). El Mercurio (Chi), Reforma (Mex). Also, some comments about the current regional situation for the Wall Street Journal.
Event (Dec ´20): I am co-organizing the 3rd LACEA Health Economics Network Workshop (with Ana Balsa, Dolores de la Mata and Paul Rodriguez
Research (Oct ´20): My research on how the Peruvian titling program reduces risk aversion (with Fernando Aragón and Ingo Outes) has just been published at the journal World Development.
Research (Oct ´20): My research on the relevance of low cost, streamlined system for the success of property titling (with Italo Gutierrez) has just been published at the journal Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Research (Feb ´20): My research on the impact of CCT on informal health care provision (with Natalia Guerrero and Diego Winkelried) has just been published at the journal Health Economics.
Grant (Oct ´19): The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) awarded us funding for our project “The Role of Trust in Teamwork and Leadership: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Higher Education in Peru” (with Roman A. Zárate)
Event (Oct ´19): I am co-organizing the 2nd LACEA Health Economics Network Workshop (with Ana Balsa, Noelia Bernal, Dolores de la Mata and Paul Rodriguez).
Research (Mar ´19): I am joining as Associate Editor the editorial team of the journal Oxford Development Studies.
Research (Jan´19): Check it out the video about our research to reduce school dropout (with Francisco Gallego and Christopher Neilson).
Updated January 2024