OR-PCA with Dynamic Feature Selection for Robust Background Subtraction


Online Robust PCA (OR-PCA) has the ability to process such large dimensional data via stochastic manners. OR-PCA processes one frame per time instance and updates the subspace basis accordingly when a new frame arrives. However, due to the lack of fea tures, the sparse component of OR-PCA is not always robust to handle various background modeling challenges. As a consequence, the system shows a very weak performance, which is not desirable for real applications. To handle these challenges, this paper presents a multi-feature based OR-PCA scheme. A multi-feature model is able to build a ro-bust low-rank background model of the scene. In addition, a very nice feature selection process is designed to dynamically select a useful set of features frame by frame, according to the weighted sum of total features.


Our scheme consists of several steps: multiple features extraction, feature background model, update feature model, OR-PCA, dynamic feature selection and foreground detection, which are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Overview of Multiple feature based ORPCA-DFS



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