Medical tourism

Once a diagnosis of dystonia is made, the treatment will differ depending on the degree of the patient’s symptoms. Patients with milder symptoms will receive oral medication or undergo MAB therapy. MAB therapy and oral medication therapy both take several months. However, botulinum therapy for the mouth closing muscles (masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles) is possible as an outpatient. In the case of injections into the muscles of the palate or tongue, dysphagia might occur after treatment, although our department has experienced no such cases; therefore, it is safer for you to stay in hospital for a short period after such injections. If you prepared to be hospitalized for a brief period, botulinum therapy and surgery are possible. Botulinum therapy takes about 3-5 days. Surgery such as coronoidotomy requires two-week stay in hospital. Pharmacotherapy and surgery are covered by the Japanese national health insurance system, but botulinum therapy based on the site and muscles injected cannot be covered by the insurance.

Recently, medical tourism; i.e., when patients visit different regions or countries to obtain medical services, has become increasingly common. Therefore, if you require treatment for involuntary contractions of the mouth and/or jaw including botulinum therapy, visiting our center as a medical tourism might be an appropriate option. Kyoto has many attractions including UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Figure 10) and Michelin-starred restaurants. In addition, the ancient city has something to offer in all four seasons, e.g., cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves, the Gion Festival, Jidai Matsuri, and Daimonji. Our hospital provides special private rooms, which are almost like a luxurious hotel (Hospitalization). The treatment of oromandibular dystonia can be performed for visitors to Kyoto. We welcome dystonia patients from all over the world.




Figure 11. Some of cultural attractions in Kyoto. Temple of the Golden Pavilion (a), Kiyomizu Temple (b), Fushimi Inari Shrine (c)