Orli Herscovici

Assistant Professor

Department of  Mathematics and Computer Sciences

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

St. John's University

Queens, NY

Office:     SJH 334N

E-mail:     herscovo@stjohns.edu

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Before joining the SJU I was a (postdoctoral) Visiting Assistant Professor  in School of Mathematics at the Georgia Tech where  I was working with Prof. Galyna Livshyts.

My previous position was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Haifa, where I worked with  Prof. Alek Vainshtein. Before it, I hold a postdoc position in Department of Mathematics at the Technion - Israel Insitute of technology, where I worked with Prof. Ross Pinsky. I've obtained my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Haifa in Israel under the direction of  Prof. Toufik Mansour.

Research Interests



Conference Talks 

Seminar Talks 

Attended Workshops

Teaching Experience

Awards and Scholarships

Seminars and Conferences Organized