Oriol Tejada

Welcome to my page. I am an Associate Professor with tenure (Professor Agregat) at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitat de Barcelona. I am also a member of the Barcelona Economic Analysis Team (BEAT) and of Game Theory and Assignment Markets (GTAM). My main research interests are on Game Theory, Political Economy, and Public Economics.  

If you want to see my complete CV please click here. You can contact me at oriol.tejada at ub.edu.

I co-organize the UB Game Theory Workshop.  I also co-organized the ETH Worskshop on democracy from 2018 to 2021, and then I became a member of its scientific committee. During 2020-2011 I also co-organized the OPESS Workshop Series.

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Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

[24] Semi-Flexible Majority Rules for Public Good Provision (with Hans Gersbach)

Social Choice and Welfare, 2024

[23] Electoral Competition with Costly Policy Changes: A Dynamic Perspective (with Hans Gersbach, Matthew Jackson, and Philippe Muller)

Journal of Economic Theory, 2023

[22] Large Elections and Interim Turnout (with Akaki Mamageishvili)

Games and Economic Behavior, 2023

[21] Appointed Learning for the Common Good: Optimal Committee Size and Monetary Transfers (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

Games and Economic Behavior,  2022

[20] Lemons and Peaches: A (Robust) Multi-stage Buying Mechanism (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

Mathematical Social Sciences,  2022

[19] The Effect of Handicaps on Turnout Incentives with an Application to Assessment Voting (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

Journal of Economic Theory, 2021

[18] Channeling the Final Say in Politics: A Simple Mechanism  (with Hans Gersbach and Stephan Imhof)

Economic Theory, 2021

[17] Costs of Change and Political Polarization   (with Hans Gersbach and Philippe Muller) 

European Journal of Political Economy, 2019

[16] Coalition-Preclusion Contracts and Moderate Policies (with Hans Gersbach and Maik Schneider)

Games and Economic Behavior, 2019

[15] Graphs and (levels of) cooperation in games: Two ways how to allocate the surplus (with Mikel Álvarez-Mozos)

Mathematical Social Sciences, 2018

[14] A Reform Dilemma in Polarized Democracies (with Hans Gersbach) 

Journal of Public Economics  (find the extra material here), 2018

[13] Divide the Dollar and Conquer More: Sequential Bargaining and Risk Aversion (with Philip Grech)

International Journal of Game Theory,  2018

[12] From Hierarchies to Levels: New Solutions for Games with Hierarchical Structures (with Mikel Álvarez-Mozos, René van den Brink and Gerard van der Laan)

International Journal of Game Theory (find the extra material here), 2017

[11] Vertical Syndication-Proof Competitive Prices in Multilateral markets (with Mikel Álvarez-Mozos)

Review of Economic Design, 2016

[10] The Banzhaf Value in the Presence of Externalities  (with Mikel Álvarez-Mozos)

Social Choice and Welfare, 2015

[9] A Unifying Model for Matrix-Based Pairing Situations  (with Peter Borm and Edwin Lohmann)

Mathematical Social Sciences, 2014

[8] Complements and Substitutes in Generalized Multisided Economies

Operations Research Letters  (find the extra material here), 2013

[7] Analysis of the core of multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment markets

TOP, Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research,  2013

[6] Share functions for cooperative games with levels structure of cooperation (with Mikel Álvarez-Mozos, René van den Brink and Gerard van der Laan)

European Journal of Operational Research, 2013

[5] The nucleolus and the core-center of multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment markets (with Marina Núñez)

Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2012

[4] Parallel characterizations of a generalized Shapley value and a generalized Banzhaf value for cooperative games with levels structure of cooperation  (with Mikel Álvarez-Mozos)

Decision Support Systems, 2011

[3] A differential redistributive analysis of bilinear tax reforms (with Samuel Calonge)

FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, 2011

[2] A note on competitive prices in multilateral assignment markets

Economics Bulletin, 2010

[1] Symmetrically multilateral-bargained allocations in multi-sided assignment markets  (with Carles Rafels)

International Journal of Game Theory, 2010

Conference Papers and Proceedings

[3] How Many Citizens Have Already Voted? The Role of (Interim) Turnout Rate Polls in Elections  (with Akaki Mamageishvili)

WINE 2020, International Conference on Web and Internet Economics, Papers and Proceedings, 2020

[2] Sophisticated Attacks on Decoy Ballots: A Devil's Menu (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

WINE 2019, International Conference on Web and Internet Economics, Papers and Proceedings, 2019

[1] Election Security and Economics: It’s all about Eve (with David Basin, Hans Gersbach, Akaki Mamageishvili and Lara Schmid)

International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting (evoteID), 2017, See abstract

Submitted Papers (working paper version)

Do we need a committee? (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

State: Revise and Resubmit at European Economic Review

On the Concentration of Talent: A General Result on Superstar Effects and Matching (with Ulrich Schetter)

State: Reject and Resubmit at Journal of International Economics (see video)

Curbing Polarization with Re-election Hurdles (with Hans Gersbach and Philippe Muller)

State: Submitted

Optimal Term-length and the Structure of Democracy (with Hans Gersbach and Matthew Jackson)

State: Submitted

Policy Reforms & the Amount of Checks and Balances (with Hans Gersbach and Julia Wagner)

State: Submitted

Republic or Democracy? Co-voting! (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

State: Submitted

Corporate Political Interests in Absentia (with Stylianos Papageorgiou)

State: Submitted

Optimal Democratic Mechanisms: Who Should Propose First? (with Hans Gersbach and Stephan Imhof) 

State: Submitted

Coming soon

Information Acquisition, Networks, and Voting (with Gerard Domènech and Caio Lorecchio)

One man, (possibly) one vote (with Dimitrios Xefteris)

Conditional voting subsidies (with Dimitrios Xefteris)

(Some) Current and Old Work

Close elections (with Gerard Domènech and Dimitrios Xefteris)

Re-election and Separation of Powers (with César Martinelli)

An Objective (Dual) Criterion to Compare Risky Lotteries Based on Arrow-Pratt (with Ulrich Schetter)

No-click Democracy (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)

Resilient Democracy for Credence Goods (with Hans Gersbach and Julia Wagner)

How Does Democracy Cope with Extreme Views? (with Hans Gersbach, Vincent Lohmann and Maik Schneider)

Conferences and invited talks

2023: Conference on Economic Design, BEAT Annual meeting, UB Game Theory Workshop

2022: ETH Political Economy Workshop, UB Game Theory Workshop

2021: Universitat de Barcelona

2020: ASSA Meeting, ESADE, ETH Political Economy Workshop, Rice University, WINE 2020, ETH Zurich

2019: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat de Barcelona, ETH Political Economy Workshop, SAET Conference, George Mason University, Universität Mannheim

2018: ETH Political Economy Workshop, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, SCE Winter Workshop

2017: Universitat de Barcelona, Conference on Economic Design, SING, Annual Congress of the EEA

2016: Universitat de Barcelona, Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, World Congress of the Game Theory Society, University of Bath

2014: Universitat de Barcelona, Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, University of Southern Denmark

2013: Corvinus Workshop, SING

2012: World Congress of the Game Theory Society

2011: Meeting of the Royal Economic Society, ETH Zurich, Max Plank Institute, SING

2010: SING

2009: Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona JOCS, SING, EURO conference, Waseda Game Theory Workshop

2008: Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, World Congress of the Game Theory Society, REES 

Referee Work

Review of Economic Studies, International Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Social Choice and Welfare, Journal of Mathematical Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, International Journal of Game Theory, European Economic Review, Economics Bulletin, Annals of Operations Research, International Game Theory Review, European Journal of Operations Research, Public Choice, Optimization Methods and Software, Optimization, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Group Decision and Negotiation, Symmetry, Games

My coauthors

Mikel Álvarez-Mozos (Universitat de Barcelona)

René van den Brink (VU University Amsterdam)

Samuel Calonge (Universitat de Barcelona)

Hans Gersbach (ETH Zurich)

Stephan Imhof

Gerard van der Laan (VU University Amsterdam)

Marina Núñez (Universitat de Barcelona)

Carles Rafels (Universitat de Barcelona)

Maik Schneider (University of Bath)

Peter Borm (Tilburg University)

Edwin Lohmann

Philippe Muller

Philip Grech (ETH Zurich)

Akaki Mamageishvili (ETH Zurich)

Ulrich Schetter (Harvard - Kennedy School)

Vincent Lohmann (ETH Zurich)

Lara Schmid (ETH Zurich)

David Basin (ETH Zurich)

Matthew Jackson (Stanford University)

César Martinelli (George Mason University)

Julia Wagner (ETH Zurich)

Gerard Domènech (Universitat de Barcelona)

Caio Lorecchio (Universitat de Barcelona)

Stylianos Papageorgiou (University of Cyprus)

Dimitrios Xefteris (University of Cyprus)


2024 Decision Theory (Undergraduate course - UB), Game Theory  (Master Degree - UB)

2023 Game Theory  (Undergraduate Course - UB), Mathematics (Undergraduate Course - UB), Decision Theory (Undergraduate course - UB), Game Theory  (Master Degree - UB)

2022 Mathematics (Undergraduate Course - UB), Decision Theory (Undergraduate course - UB), Game Theory  (Master Degree - UB)

2021 Mathematics (Undergraduate Course - UB), Introduction to Mathematics (Undergraduate Course - UB), Introduction to Game Theory: Strategic and Cooperative Thinking - Spring Semester (Master Degree - ETH), Astute Modelling - Spring Semester (PhD Seminar- ETH)

2019 Economics of Innovation and Growth - Fall Semester (Master Degree - ETH), Introduction to Game Theory: Strategic and Cooperative Thinking - Spring Semester (Master Degree - ETH), Astute Modelling - Spring Semester (PhD Seminar- ETH)

2018 Astute Modelling - Fall Semester (PhD Seminar- ETH), Strategic and Cooperative Thinking - Spring Semester (Master Degree - ETH)

2017 Strategic and Cooperative Thinking - Spring Semester (Master Degree - ETH)

2016 Design of Institutions and Political Economy - Spring Semester (PhD Course - ETH)

2015 Economics of Innovation and Growth - Fall Semester (Master Degree - ETH)

2013 Strategic and Cooperative Thinking - Spring Semester (Master Degree - ETH)

2012 Strategic and Cooperative Thinking - Spring Semester (Master Degree - ETH)

2007-2011 Mathematics for Business, Economics and Sociology (Undergraduate Course - UB)

News and media

Other interests

Member of GISME

Football (soccer), Tennis, Politics, Writing