
Hello, and welcome to Oregon Virtual Field Trips. This website was created to give my students a chance to visit geologic sites of interest in Oregon interactively. These webpages were formatted specifically to be accessible by geologists, geology students, and those who are interested in the world around them. There are a few pieces to each of the webpages but not all are accessible through basic internet usage. The main webpages have a google map embedded within them as the very first thing seen. Though the road map is useful for placing yourself next to certain landmarks, for the use of these pages, I suggest going down into the bottom left-hand corner of the map and selecting the satellite view of the area. Within the satellite map you can zoom in and zoom out to see the features up close. However, if you would like a better view of the area, a tour of the many geologic formations, landforms of interest, and other local related sites, download Google Earth and the open the .kmz files at the bottom of each page within Google Earth. These .kmz files will give you a truly interactive experience allowing you to get up close to the formations described in the text. Enjoy!

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