About Us
Open League is a member of the Bay Area Snow Sports Council and the Far West Skiing Association.Β We provide recreational racing opportunities for adult and children skiers and riders in the North Lake Tahoe area.Β Race courses are designed for all ability levels and ages, from beginning skiers and riders to former college racers.Β Please check our Team Directory for a club in your area. You may join for the Season, or attend a race as a Drop-in/Guest racer (Day fee is applied to your Season registration fee if you later join!).Β See Racer Registration for more information.Β
Open League Racing Board of Directors
NOTE: This is a recreational program. Although participating in Open League is a good first step for junior racers, parents wanting to enroll their children in a development program leading to selection for the US Ski Team should look to programs at ski resorts specializing in this level of racer.