2025 Call for Presenters
OKLF Education Committee is seeking engaging presentations from community educators for 2025 OKLF. The education committee will review and approve presenter applications and are seeking sessions that include practical, hands-on classes as well as timely, relevant presentations.
While we welcome some beginning level classes we focus educational opportunities on intermediate and above opportunities for our more seasoned attendees. Successful submissions will be presentations that include dynamic, engaging and informative content.
Our theme this year is Decadence. The dates for the event are May 16-18, 2025.
Please submit proposals to OKLFCommittee@gmail.com no later than December 15, 2024.
Class presentations should be no longer than 60 minutes.
Please include the following information:
Presenter Name
Presenter Contact Information (email and phone number)
Presentation Title
Presentation Summary
Audience Level (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, All levels)
Class Objectives
References and past presentation experience.
If your proposal is accepted you will be asked to submit a bio and photo for use on the website and social media advertising.
Please contact Dancing Spirit at OKLFCommittee@gmail.com if you have any questions.