Okinawa Christmas 1994

Okinawa, the southernmost prefecture of Japan and the only prefecture in subtropical zone.  Okinawa is a  paradise where colorful flowers of the subtropics bloom the year-round.

Okinawa was called the Ryukyu  kingdom. During this regal period, the island thrived as a gate trading center through active interrelations with neighbor nations. 

Shureimon Gate

The influence of both Chinese and Japanese architecture can be seen in this gate. The two storied roof is covered with red ceramic tiles and a calligraphic tablet inscribed with the expression "Shurei no Kuni" (Land of Propriety) is hung in the center of the gate. This gate was restored very soon after the end of WWII.

This was the residence of the Ryukyu royal family for about 450 years, since the early 15th century, and shone out as a focus for a brilliant dynastic culture. The Seiden, is its most important structure, as the site where politics and ceremonies were enacted with the King in attendance. Completely restored in November 1992, the Seiden stands imposingly on a hill that commands a panoramic view of Naha City and East China Sea.  There are elements of Chinese and Southeast Asian influence as well as the independently developed culture of the kingdom.



Beach Resorts on the West Coast (Okinawa Island):

White sand beaches rim the islands of Okinawa and their distinctive coral reefs. The west coast of the main island, in particular, has a number of world-class beach resorts. Marine sports, golf and fishing are some of the options that let you enjoy a tropical holiday. ( 1 hr. to 1 hr. 30min. by car from downtown Naha.)


Ocean Expo Park: "Sun, Sea and Flowers"

The Ocean Expo Park is a national park built in August 1976 on the site of the 1975 Okinawa Ocean Expo to commemorate the event. It is now a major tourist attraction in Okinawa and one of the most popular spots in the northern part of the island for visitors.The site is dotted with various facilities such as the Aquarium, Tropical Dream Center, Okinawa Museum and amusement park, along with tropical plants and the emerald-green sea.

  Himeyuri Park



Click the above picture to listen to Okinawan traditional music

Naha International Airport

There was no direct flight from Hong Kong to Okinawa.  We took a Cathay flight to Taipei and changed to Japan Asia Airways from Taipei to Naha.  Naha Airport was only a small airport which did not have bridge to connect the plane and the terminal building.

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