



www.office.com/setup - Microsoft Office is one of the most used applications on Windows and Mac computers. It is used by a wide populace of individuals and organizations. MS Office provides server-level antivirus protecting your Email. Nowadays for all businesses worldwide, MS Office is widely considered as the most favorite application suite. Visit office.com/setup and download the software for your device. Enter office setup product key to activate ms office setup easily.

Downloading Office Setup from office.com/setup

Download office setup version of your comfort using the given below steps:

1. To get started with office setup you need to download it first, here are the steps for that:

2. Sign in to your Office account at Office.com/setup

3. You will be asked to enter the product key

4. Provide that key and hit Enter

5. However, if you are a new user, then click Create an Account to create a new account

6. Enter the required details to sign up

7. Now, from the list of Office subscriptions, select your subscription

8. Click Download and wait until the process finishes

How to install office 2019 setup?

Here are the steps that will help you install office setup easily:

1. Search the downloaded file from office.com/setup on your downloads folder.

2. Double click on it to the setup and begin installation process

3. Click "I Agree" on terms and conditions

4. Follow on screen instructions to complete office 2019 setup installation

Steps to activate office setup

The steps for activating your office setup are given below

1. Open any Office App. Word, PowerPoint, Excel.

2. On the home Screen you will see sign in Option.

3. Sign in to your Microsoft Account linked to the purchased product.

5. You may be asked to enter office setup product key, submit it and click on "Activate" button.