
Official ModEL OS

ModEL OS started 6 years ago as a slipstreamed version of Windows XP. With limited customization abilities, I managed to create something lightweight, efficient, and usable. However, my friends were always plagued with the same problems.It was costly, prone to infection, and limited. Needless to say I needed something better, something Modular, something, something Easy for newbs to ue, something... Linux.

Project at a Glance:

A simple analogy would be -

Chromium:Chrome::ModEL OS:Kaizen OE

ModEL OS is to be the base, "model" if you will, for webapp based next-gen operating systems.

    • Strong emphasis on webapps.

    • Fast. From boot to shutdown.

    • Easy, not just for Windows users - everyone.

    • If traditional desktop apps are used, they must be modular or extensible with a strong web presence.

Project Objectives

Provide your team with a quick overview of the project objectives on this homepage. Replace this content with your own. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mauris est, molestie id ultricies at, laoreet vitae diam. Nunc dolor.

    • Create a good base so that others can build off of.

    • Be provider independent (e.g. nothing specific to Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc).