
Office setup is a cloud-based application suite of the services which provides easy access to every file and the document whenever you need. To enjoy the benefits provided by the MS Office product, visit office.com/setup. Enter the 25-digit alphanumeric Office product key and get Office setup on your desktop.

How to Download and Install Office Setup using office.com/setup ?

The simple and easy steps to download and install your office product are mentioned below:

  1. Go to the office.com/setup web address and sign in to your Office account.
  2. You will be asked to enter the product key
  3. Provide that key and hit Enter
  4. However, if you are a new user, then click Create Account and enter the required details to sign up
  5. Now, from the list of office subscriptions, select your subscription
  6. Click Download and wait until the process finishes and then run the downloaded setup file.
  7. Read the terms and conditions and click I AGREE to initiate installation.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions and here you have installed your office setup applications.

Activation Steps

The activation steps for office setup begins when you successfully install your office setup applications. Here are the steps that help you activate office easily:

1. To activate office on Windows, open one of the Office apps such as Word and select ‘Get Started’

2. When you open it, click ‘Accept’ on the license agreement

3. You will be asked to enter your office setup product key.

4. Enter the office product key and hit the activate button now.

5. When the activation completes, select ‘Close’ in the end

Where to locate the MS Office product key?

  1. Open an updated web browser and visit office.com/setup
  2. Click ‘Sign in’ and enter your login details associated with Office.com/setup
  3. Enter your country and region
  4. Got to your account and on the homepage of your account, you will have the option to download the office com setup suite on your computer
  5. Click on the Download button to get the active version of the software
  6. Double-click the .exe file and complete the installation