Our Mission

“A Collaborative Effort to Help People Live Safely In Their Homes”

The Orange County Task Force on Hoarding is a volunteer advisory group that meets monthly to review residential hoarding situations for the purpose of informing, coordinating, and collaborating in the provision of services to help people live safely in their homes.

The Orange County Task Force on Hoarding has no government mandate to operate, no staff and no funding. We’re simply representatives of agencies or individuals, including people who are “in recovery.” 

Our goals are:

* Identify and understand the issues, difficulties and causes of human hoarding behavior

* Develop and maximize resources by collaborating and coordinating efforts

* Develop innovative and humane interventions

* Educate the public and service providers

The Orange County Task Force on Hoarding as an entity does not provide direct services but is comprised of representatives of organizations that can help.

Organizations that encounter hoarding situations are encouraged to bring challenging cases to the monthly task force meeting for review (confidentiality rules apply) with the goal of identifying strategies, developing plans and locating resources that may help bring about a positive outcome for all involved.

Individuals who encounter hoarding situations are encouraged to call the below resources as appropriate:

•          Their local Code Enforcement Department or Animal Services Department

•          Orange County Adult Protective Services (1-800-451-5155)

•          Orange County Child Protective Services (1-800-207-4464)

•          Orange County Behavioral Health Information and Referral line (1-855-625-4657)

The Task Force meets the 3rd Thursday of the month (dark in December) virtually. Link sent in monthly newsletter.