Obscure Flamencology

This is a collection of academic papers (plus three poems) on flamenco that I have found using standard academic search engines. I have not attempted to filter for quality or sanity. The papers here are in English and French because those are the languages I understand.

The poems are Flamenco, The False Music and Baile Gitano.

William Sayers offers a(nother) derivation of the word 'flamenco'.

Aoyama (2006) and Gonzalez (2007) include reflections on the popularity of flamenco in Japan.

COFLA: COmputational analysis of FLAmenco music — Project based at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra

El Camarón and the Cádiz Tradition — This article discusses the traditional roots of Camarón's cante, and, to a lesser degree, the controversy surrounding his innovations.