Sports Drinks

Reading #1

The first texts are 2 images that present two sides of the issue, one that provides reasons for drinking water and one that claims gatorade is better than water. When choosing images, consider finding ones with words, images, color, and design that provide enough details for students to observe, infer and comment. For example, this infographic that provides reasons to drink water and many of the advertisements from the gatorade website.

Reading #2

The second text is a set of which you can use all three, just one, or excerpts from one or more of them. All three texts are videos. The first is a compilation of Gatorade commercials. The second text explains the ingredients in sports drinks, providing a case for why sports drinks are better than water. The third text is a 30 second commercial for water.

“Funniest Commercials of Gatorade ‘Sweat it to Get it’ feat Peyton Manning, JJ Watt, Cam Newton.” YouTube. Uploaded by Funniest Commercials Compilation. 16 March 2016.

“How Can Sports Drinks Assist in Your #Hydration? Herbalife Nutrition Advice.” YouTube. Uploaded by Herbalife. 20 March 2016.

“30 Sec Water Commercial.” YouTube. Uploaded by Nicole Archuleta. 3 Oct. 2013.

Reading #3

For reading #3, there are two texts to choose from. They both provide an argument for why sports drinks are better than water because of their ingredients and flavor.

Lamb, David R PhD. “Hydration: Critical for Performance”. Nd. Web. 2 Sept. 2016.

“Powerade and the Science of Hydration”. Nd. Web. 2 Sept. 2016.

Reading #4

There are also two texts to choose from for reading #4. Both texts present an argument for why most athletes should drink water rather than sports drinks, taking into account the arguments made in the texts for reading #3.

Sygo, Jennifer. “Obey your thirst, just not necessarily with a sports drink.” National Post. 9 July 2013. Web. 2 Sept. 2016.

Shute, Nancy. “Are Sports Drinks Healthier Than Soda? Teens Think So.” U.S. News and World Report. 28 Sept. 2010. Web. 2 Sept. 2016.