Student Using Sources Tool (UST)

Using source material is a key move in college, career, and community writing. The student Using Sources Tool, a student formative assessment, guides peer response to or self-analysis of written arguments. The tool prompts students to respond to a small number of skills or "moves," rather than all possible revisions and edits. Routine use of the student Using Sources Tool promotes improved student writing and internalization of new writing practices and strategies.

The skills reflected on the student Using Source Tool reflect the same skills included on C3WP’s online teacher Using Sources Tool (UST) and works best when used in conjunction with C3WP professional development and curricular resources. Teachers who understand the purpose and instructional power of the UST may be better equipped to model the tool’s use and involve students in the effective implementation of the tool for peer response or self-analysis of student writing. The Student Using Sources Tool Instructional Guide provides instructional tips for using the Student UST in the classroom.

Student Version of the Using Sources Tool

Student Using Sources Tool Instructional Guide

Click here to download the Student UST

Google Document

Click here to download the Student UST Instructional Guide

Google Document