Nicholas Wilkins

Simon's Postdoctoral Scholar, MIT, fixed term 2021-2023

Research Interests: Gromov-Witten theory, symplectic topology, Floer theory


Heilbronn Research Fellow, University of Bristol, 2019-2021

Visiting Scholar, MIT, 2019

D.Phil. Mathematics, University of Oxford

(supervisor Prof. Alexander Ritter, completed 2019)



I have also put here a survey about the construction of equivariant quantum operations. Disclaimer: the author gives no promises about the rigour of the mathematics in this paper.

A survey of equivariant operations on quantum cohomology for symplectic manifolds.

In this survey paper, I discuss:

  1. The technical issues of general G-equivariant quantum operations,

  2. Quantum Steenrod squares/power operations, the covariant constant condition, and the Adem relations in a more informal way,

  3. I talk about some of the important underlying topology, and also some of the applications,

  4. Some more nebulous content about things like pseudocycles for mod-p homology, and how one might consider proving additivity for general equivariant quantum operations.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions! Or, if there is anything that you would like added. This survey is definitely still ongoing.