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Email: Please feel free to reach out nura AT

I am an Assistant Professor at Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas and a Digital Fellow at MIT Sloan & MIT CSAIL. I completed my PhD in Strategy from Ivey Business School, Canada, and have an engineering degree in Computer Science majoring in AI

For more information, please see my [CV]

I broadly study Innovation, Artificial Intelligence and Responsible AI. My overarching research question: How do firms develop and deploy emerging technologies (e.g., AI) in a socially beneficial manner (e.g., responsible AI) and maintain competitive advantage? In particular, how do firms balance the trade-off between knowledge spillover and external resource acquisition (e.g., human capital, capital)?

Drawing on strategic management literature, and using Big Data, Machine learning (NLP methods like word embedding/transformers), and interviews, I build testable models of the world that can help managers and policymakers to make better decisions.

Previously, I worked as a Software Engineer for Samsung R&D Lab in Bangladesh, India, and South Korea. My research is partly informed by experiences at such corporate labs. 

I have published in Science, have an R&R from SMJ, and my working papers have been recognized at multiple conferences such as Best PhD Paper Prize (nominated, SMS), Max Boisot Award (finalist, EGOS), Best Paper in Strategy (won, AMCIS), Honorable Mention (won, ASAC), Best Paper Award (finalist, Israel Strategy Conference) among others. 

Finally, my research has also received media coverage from outlets like Financial Times, The Atlantic, VentureBeat, Scientific American, Nature Medicine, Le Monde, Marginal Revolution, State of the AI. Three prestigious AI reports cited my work: The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence and Stanford AI Index (2021), National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (2022).


The New York Times quoted me on AI & Open Source. May, 2024

The UK AI Safety report cited 2 of my different papers. May, 2024

I am co-organizing 2 PDWs and 1 symposium at AOM 2023 

Received an acceptance at Science (March 2023)

I am co-organizing two symposia at AOM 2022

I recently presented at the NBER Productivity Seminar (May 2022)

Organized a special SMS panel titled "The Promise and Potential Perils of Using Machine Learning Techniques in Management Research." (2021)

Panelists: Riitta Katila, Jorge Guzman, Florenta Teodoridis

I have chaired the organizing committee of the 3rd Toronto Fintech Conference (December 2020)