MINUTES - 2018

MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD IN 2018 Updated: 01-Oct-21, 5:00pm

Minutes of Canberra South Branch monthly meetings held in 2018 can be viewed by clicking on the relevant link below.

2018-11-28 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Nov 18) - Not available online

2018-10-31 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Oct 18)

2018-09-26 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Sep 18) - Not available online

2018-08-29 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Aug 18) - Not available online

2018-08-29 - Minutes of Branch Annual General Meeting (Aug 18)

2018-07-25 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Jul 18)

2018-06-27 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Jun 18)

2018-05-30 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (May 18)

2018-05-02 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Apr 18)

2018-03-28 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Mar 18)

2018-02-28 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Feb 18)

2018-01-31 - Minutes of Branch Monthly Meeting (Jan 18)

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