Norton setup install for windows ||

Norton setup install for windows

Norton setup install for windows - Norton antivirus programming has been wiping out malware, infections and different sorts of on the web and disconnected dangers from influencing the presentation of a PC for a considerable length of time. Norton, being a security arrangement giving organization has made different programming’s that are known for giving truly necessary assurance as far as information insurance, database security, arrange security, web security and substantially more.

Download Norton antivirus setup from using 25 digit product key for norton and use the same norton product key to activate and setup norton software.

How to download antivirus?

    1. Go to the internet browser and tap on the site link
    2. Search the "Sign In" option located on the upper right column of the startup page of Norton.
    3. After that, tap on the "Sign In" button.
    4. Enter the email ID and password registered with the Norton account and start logging in.
    5. Tap on the "Sign Up" button and after that, type the important information in case you wish to make a new Norton account.
    6. You will have two options on the Norton website which are "Install on other devices" and "Install on this device."
    7. Select any one option which is mentioned above and after that. Tap on the "Agree & Download" option.
    8. In case you like to download multiple products of Norton and choose that Norton product which you like to get on the device.
    9. Tap on the 'Next" option.
    10. In case you like to download the Norton setup on another system, tap on the "Send a download link" option.
    11. Let the download procedure of Norton setup to complete.

Steps for Norton setup install for windows

    1. The installing process of Norton setup will start after the Norton antivirus completed its downloading process.
    2. Press on the Norton setup which you had downloaded to begin the installing process of Norton setup.
        • It will start the installation procedure automatically.
        • In case it will not, then open the "Taskbar" pull-down menu and find the "Norton" symbol.
        • After finding it, press twice on the "Norton" symbol so that its get open.
        • The installing process of Norton setup will get started on the device.
    3. Permit the installation procedure of Norton setup to gets completed.
    4. After finishing it, the Norton terms and conditions will start showing on display.
    5. Read the Norton terms and conditions and after that, tap on the "I Agree" option.
    6. Confirm the installation button given on the Norton page.
    7. It is advisable that the users should select the default installing option.
    8. Tap on the "Next" button to move further to the installation procedure.
    9. Now, the installing process of Norton setup will get started.
        • It will take only a few minutes to get complete on the system. The installation time will depend on the speed of the Wi-Fi network.

Activate Norton setup using product key

    1. Open installed norton setup
    2. Find the activation key by going to the Norton account
        • In case you had brought the Norton setup from its official site, find the activation key from the purchased Norton cover.
    3. Tap on the site link
    4. Type the 25-digit alphanumeric norton product key in the section.
    5. Tap on the "Activate Now" button.
        • Go through the guidelines provided on the activation window to finish the activation process of Norton setup.