- Where to Find Norton Setup Product Key

Download norton for making your device more secure with norton's best virus protection shield. Visit and enter norton setup product key to get started with it.

It protects your data and device from viruses, malwares and other cyber threats that can damage and misuse your data. To get this software, visit and create your account to download norton setup on your device.

Norton Setup Product Key |

Norton Setup Product Key is a 25-character alphanumeric key code which is used while activating the product. Visit norton official website: and enter the product key for activation. You can find the keys depending on the type of your purchase. The sample of Norton setup product key is given below: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

How to renew Norton with Product Key?

  1. Visit and go to dashboard

  2. From here go to my norton section

  3. Navigate to Device security and click on the Open button.

  4. Go to Norton’s main window and click on the activate button now.

  5. Norton sign in prompt will appear on the screen.

  6. Log in Norton with your Norton credentials.

  7. Now enter the Norton product key and click on activate. Wait for a few seconds and your Norton plan will get activated.