Northern Cultural Projects CIC has championed transformative community history and culture in north-east England since 2008.

We have a successful track record of developing and delivering projects in the following areas:

Community Culture, History and Heritage

We work with and for people in communities of place, interest, identity, need and practice to amplify their stories and unlock community power.


Northern Cultural Projects is part of the Oral History Unit and Collective at Newcastle University. We combine traditional and innovative methods to achieve impactful research, often with a focus on social and historical justice. 


We develop educational programmes and teaching materials for schools and adult learning. Northern Cultural Projects is a registered Arts Award Centre, qualified to deliver and assess all levels.

Historical Interpretation 

Breathing new life into history through interactive demonstrations, hands-on activities and events, ensuring a fun and accessible experience.

Selection of previous projects

Our team:

Silvie Fisch - Managing Director

Jen Westcott - Non-executive Director

Rosie Serdiville  - Non-executive Director

+ Many fantastic freelancers & volunteers!