July 2012 Meeting

Please join us for the first meeting of the newly revamped NolaSec (Nola Security). For those unfamiliar with our group, we are composed of researchers, professionals, students, and hobbyists in the computer security and digital forensics space. The purpose of group is to bring members of all IT-related fields together for a monthly meeting where interesting topics in information security can be presented and members can then network in an informal environment.

With the revamped Nolasec, we are no longer using our old format with one speaker per-meeting, and will now be using the "fire talks" format. This will include having four to six speakers present for five to six minutes each. We will then all hang out in the back room and attendees will get to ask questions of the speakers as well as get to meet other attendees. The speakers are already set for the first meeting, and we believe we have attracted a wide range of technical talks from some of the area's top information security experts. Our group grows greatly based on word of mouth so feel free to invite anyone who think may enjoy the group. Please read below for complete information about the meeting.


Thursday July 12th 6:00-8:00PM


The Bridge Lounge, 1201 Magazine St. New Orleans, LA


Registry Decoder: Automated Acquisition, Analysis, and Reporting of Registry Contents

Andrew Case / @attrc

Digital Forensics Researcher - Terremark

Would you like some salt with your passwords?

Dr. Lodovico Marziale / @vicomarziale

Senior Security Researcher - Digital Forensics Solutions

Android Mind Reading

Joe Sylve / @jtsylve

Senior Security Researcher - Digital Forensics Solutions

Attacking your browser for fun and profit

Chris McGowen / @chrismcgowen

Development IT Lead - Carrollton Group

Hidden Legal Pitfalls of Digital Forensic Research

Brian Roux / @digitalinquest

Owner - Digital Inquest