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Norton setup product key

Enter Norton setup product key at to download Norton setup. Downloading and installing Norton security is easy process, you need to create or sign in to Norton account and enter 25 digit Norton key code.

What is “Enter Norton product key”?

When you purchase Norton setup security, it comes with product key or activation code, which is used to verify that the product you bought is dedicated to be used on your system only.

After purchasing Norton, you can see the Norton product key inside the package or may be on the retail card inside it. When you make online shopping for Norton, they also send it on your email along with billing details.

Norton setup product key looks like : XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

How to download Norton from

    1. Open a browser on the system and go to Norton website
      • Open your account by filling login details.
      • If you are not already registered, firstly sign up and open account.
  1. There will be activation window. Enter Norton product key/ activation code.
  2. Now download Norton setup account sign in download on the system.
  3. Run the downloaded program.
  4. Follow the instructions coming on the window.
  5. Wait until Norton installation completes.

Steps for Norton product key activation

  1. Start Norton setup click on My Norton window
  2. In the Norton product main window, click Activate Now
  3. Enter the product key that you received from Norton
  4. Norton setup will be activated and Norton product key get verified

Troubleshoot Norton errors

If you are facing any issues in Norton setup product key activation, creating Norton account or any other issues related to this software, then you can directly contact to Norton support team to resolve any issues anytime.