
二本杉 剛(Tsuyoshi Nihonsugi)

大阪経済大学・経済学部・教授(Faculty of Economics, Osaka University of Economics)

〒533-8533 大阪市東淀川区大隅2-2-8

tnihon[at]osaka-ue.ac.jp   ([at]は@に変更してください)

Research fields: Behavioral economics






著 書

『プレステップ経済学―経済実験で学ぶ―』 (共著者:中野浩司,大谷咲太),齊藤愼(監),弘文堂,2013年.



論 文

Gender differences in guilt aversion in Korea and the United Kingdom (with T. Tanaka, and M. Haruno), Scientific Reports, 12, 8187, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-12163-y.

Functional connectivity basis and underlying cognitive mechanisms for gender differences in guilt aversion (with S. Numano, and M. Haruno), eNeuro, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0226-21.2021.

A message of the majority with scientific evidence encourages young people to show their prosocial nature in COVID-19 vaccination (with T.Tanaka, F.Ohtake, and M.Haruno), Scientific Reports, 11, 23261, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02230-1.

Contributions in Linear Public Goods Experiments with Stranger Matching: Two Motivations (with H. Nakano, K. Nishizaki, and T.Yamakawa), Applied Economics, 50(58), 6316-6326, 2018. 

The Difference between Partners and Strangers Designs in Public Goods Experiments, International Journal of Social Economics, 43(6), 554-572, 2016.


Selective Increase of Intention-based Economic Decisions by Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (with A.Ihara and M. Haruno), The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(8), 3412-3419, 2015. プレスリリース (読売新聞,日経産業新聞,中日新聞などで取り上げられました)

Sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemma: Comparison of Centralized Punishment Institutions (with Y. Kamijo, A. Takeuchi and Y. Funaki), Games and Economic Behavior, 84, 180-195, 2014.

