Nick Vikander - Research 

Welcome to my homepage!  I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen.

From 2010-2013, I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh

Below you can find more information about my research, including current working papers and work in progress. To see my full CV, please click here.

You can also visit other parts of this homepage to learn more about my teaching and supervision, and about the project 'Asgers Have - Roof farm in Ørestad'.


January 2024: Strategic Use of Product Delays to Shape Word-of-Mouth Communication (with Alexei Parakhonyak) is now available in the University of Oxford, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper Series. 

July 2023: Cashing in on the Culture Wars? CEO Activism, Wokewashing, and Firm Value (with Gaia Melloni and Andrea Patacconi) has been accepted at the Strategic Management Journal.

Telephone: +45 35323034


Research Interests: Industrial Organization, Organizational Economics, Behavioral Economics


Work in Progress

Organizing for Moonshots (with Andrea Patacconi)

Advertising to Status-Conscious Consumers

Publications and Accepted Papers

Cashing in on the Culture Wars? CEO Activism, Wokewashing, and Firm Value (with Gaia Melloni and Andrea Patacconi). Accepted at the Strategic Management Journal (see also the Supplementary Appendix). Former title: CEO Activism as Communication to Multiple Audiences. 

Information Design through Scarcity and Social Learning (with Alexei Parakhonyak). 2023. Journal of Economics Theory. Vol. 207, 105586. Former title: Inducing Herding with Capacity Constraints 

Commitment and discretion in contracts: theory and evidence from retirement plans (with Jin-Hyuk Kim). 2023. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 125(2), 461-488. Former title: Commitment versus Discretion in Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Optimal Sales Schemes for Network Goods (with Alexei Parakhonyak). 2019. Management Science. Vol. 65(2): 819-841  

Optimal Firm Behavior with Consumer Social Image Concerns and Asymmetric Information (with Alexander Sebald). 2019. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Vol. 167: 311-330. 

Sell-outs, Beliefs, and Bandwagon Behavior. 2018. BE Journal of Theoretical Economics. Vol. 19(1).

Non-performance Pay and Relational Contracting: Evidence from CEO Compensation (with Jed DeVaro and Jin-Hyuk Kim). 2017. Economic Journal.  Former title: Pay-for-(Persistent)-Luck: CEO Bonuses Under Relational and Formal Contracting 

A Model of Public Opinion Management (with Andrea Patacconi). 2015. Journal of Public Economics. Vol. 128: 73-83. Former title: On the (Mis-)Use of Information for Public Debate

Team-Based Incentives in Problem-Solving Organizations (with Jin-Hyuk Kim). 2015. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. Vol. 31(2): 548-566

Sorting and Sustaining Cooperation. 2013. Oxford Economic Papers. Vol. 65(2): 548-566