I'm Nick Barton and I am a development economist currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Econometrics at the University of Mannheim and as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at the Center for Evaluation and Development where I am a Team Lead.
My research has so far covered the institutions of education as well the impact and adoption of solar powered lamps in the context of rural electrification in Tanzania. I have also worked on an impact evaluation of a GIZ implemented land tenure security programme in Benin together with the World Bank, as well as an impact assessment of the Southern Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project with IFAD. My other key work at C4ED has been to take the lead in C4ED's work with UNICEF on the Pakistan Child Labour Surveys.
I try to keep up to date drafts of papers I'm working on available here.
Lehrstuhl für VWL, insb. Ökonometrie
L7, 3-5
68131 Mannheim (Germany)
Tel: +49-621-950407-25
email: barton[at]uni-mannheim.de