2024 - 2025


Reflections is a National PTA program that encourages students to explore the arts and express themselves through a nationwide contest.  Students can submit entries in the form of visual arts, literature, music composition, film production, photography or dance choreography.  Entries are judged on how well the art relates to the theme, creativity and technical aspects of the medium.

This contest is open to all students attending North Farmington High School.

The 2024-2025 theme is...

"Accepting Imperfection"

Due Date:   Wednesday, November 6, 2024

This year's Reflections contest at North will be completely virtual.  Create all entries as usual, but see instructions for submitting entries electronically.  If your visual arts entry places to the next level (district), we may ask for your physical entry to display.

General Participation Rules - FOR ALL CATEGORIES

Also see summary of category specific rules below.  Detailed category rules can be found at the bottom of this page.

Visual Arts Rules

Photography Rules

Literature Rules

Music Composition Rules

Dance Choreography Rules

Film Production Rules 

How to Submit Your Entry

Each individual entry needs it's own student entry form.  Multiple entries per student permitted, however, only 1 entry per student per category will advance to the district Reflections contest.  

Click here for the online entry form (requires Parent and Student Electronic Signatures). It will require you to sign-in with a Google can use your fps student google account.  

If you are entering in the Accessible Arts Division (formerly Special Artists Division) for IDEA or ADA students, click here to see Accessible Arts rules.

If you need assistance submitting the online entry form, converting your entries to electronic files, or uploading the files, please contact

Due date for entries is Wednesday, November 6, 2024.


In general, we conduct blind judging, so please do not write your name on your entry.  Judges are selected from the community and are knowledgeable in the category.   Click here to read how judges are asked to determine their scores.  Note that the Interpretation of the Theme receives more points than creativity or skill, so a strong artist statement is important.


(Top 4 entries from Districts advance to the State Reflections Contest.  Top single entry from State in each category advances to the National Reflections Contest.  Scholarships awarded to top National entries.)


If you have any questions, email Pauline Kim at or call/text 248-705-2505

Detailed category rules...
