

June, 29 - July, 02, 2015

INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt


Compatible discretization schemes have sparked significant interest over the last two decades. These schemes aim at preserving structural properties of the continuous model (conservation laws, symmetry, kernel of differential operators, adjunction properties. . . ) at the discrete level. Moreover, several ofthese schemes support general three-dimensional meshes including cells with various shapes. All of these properties make such schemes attractive in industrial applications. Furthermore, recent advances in numerical analysis have set the theoretical bases of such schemes, thereby making it possible to devise new frameworks for design and analysis.

The goal of this workshop is to gather world-leading experts so as to provide a firm basis of understanding for newcomers in the field as well as a forum for exchanging ideas on future developments and highlighting the links and differences among current approaches.

06/15/15: The inscriptions to the school are now closed.

List of speakers

  • B. Andreianov (University of Franche-Comté)

    • Formulation and analysis of Discrete Duality Finite Volume schemes

    • Lecture notes (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)

  • D. Arnold (University of Minnesota)

  • P. Bochev (Sandia National Laboratories)

    • Optimization-based modeling. A new strategy for feature-preserving solution of multiscale, multiphysics problems

    • Lecture notes

  • J. Bonelle (Electricité de France R&D)

    • Compatible Discrete Operator schemes

    • Lecture notes

  • F. Brezzi (IMATI-CNR Pavia)

    • Virtual Elements Methods and applications

    • Lecture notes

  • A. Buffa (IMATI-CNR Pavia)

    • Compatible discretizations in Isogeometric Analysis

    • Lecture notes

  • S. Christiansen (University of Oslo)

    • Constructions with Finite Element Systems

    • Lecture notes

  • D. Di Pietro (University of Montpellier)

    • An introduction to Hybrid High-Order methods

    • Lecture notes

  • R. Eymard (University of Paris-Est)

    • Gradient Schemes for elliptic and parabolic problems

    • Lecture notes

  • M. Gerritsma (TU Delft)

    • Structure-preserving techniques using spectral elements

    • Lecture notes

  • J.-C. Latché (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)

    • Staggered schemes for compressible flows

    • Lecture notes

  • J. Schöberl (TU Wien)

    • High Order Vectorial Finite Elements and their implementation in C++

    • Lecture notes

  • E. Sonnendrücker (MPI for Plasma Physics & TU München)

    • Structure-preserving numerical schemes in plasma physics

    • Lecture notes (part1) (part2)

Scientific organization : J. Bonelle (EDF R&D) and A. Ern (Paris-Est university, CERMICS (ENPC))