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New England Islands Estate is a themed Estate in the virtual world of Second Life®, inspired and modeled on the Real Life US (East Coast) Cape Cod Islands. We invite you to reclaim childhood memories of seashells, reeds-covered tiny coiling marsh channels and endless ocean waterways for relaxing great sailing while passing by lovely handcrafted dunes, beach shores, and cranberry bogs to savor the scenic beauty.

The New England Islands Estate is known for its beautiful and authentic replica scenery, historical lighthouses, water open to boating and flying for anyone whether you are Human or any other kind of SL creation like Bird, Fairy, Furry, Mermaid or Tiny.

New England Island Estate is also one of the founding estates of the United Sailing Sims of Second Life® (USS-SL) This is the grouping of over 200 privately owned sims dedicated to providing open water for sailing.

Visit New England in Second Life

New England Real Estate in the SL Marketplace

Available Land in New England (Casper links no longer available)

If you have any questions, please contact any of the following New England residents. We'd be glad to help.

KB Byk

Sudane Erato

Jeanne Schimmer